
Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Bonfire: Time to Burn Your Troubles

I can hardly believe it is already time for our annual bonfire! Each year we build a bonfire to light in the New Year, and in that fire we toss our troubles. You are invited to burn your troubles too--just send me an email to with the word BONFIRE in the subject and I will print it and make sure your worries get burned in our fire. This has been a tradition for us for over ten years, and we've burned countless worries. You do not need to tell me what your worry is--a simple "burn this" message will do.

This year we are having the fire at our son's house once again. There are several reasons, the main one being he has a great location for the fire--level, with easy access to the house. At my house, everything is on a slant and it can get tricky to get back and forth to the fire. Access can be tricky too, if it snows or rains heavily.

I'm cooking a big pot of chili to bring to the fire, along with some cornbread and some cookies. My son has taken care of all the other food, so we're set for a good time.

Last year's fire was a big one--this year, we won't have all that scrap from the old cabin like we did last year, but I know that whatever we have will be enough, and the fire will be memorable.


  1. You know, funny that, but I can't remember what my trouble was that I burned last, I guess it must have worked..........

    This year, I'll offer up someone else's annonymous trouble.....someone with a trouble who knows nothing of this fire.......and ask the Universe to grant them peace as thanks........

    Bright Blessings!
    And, thank you.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Message sent. I will, of course, deny everything. Thanks for the opportunity to 'release.'

    Happy New Year.

  3. That's a generous offer, Mimi! consider it done.

    C. Joy, you made me laugh :) Denials accepted!

  4. Hope everyone has a great time at the bonfire tonight!


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