
Monday, January 30, 2012

What Makes Home?

What makes a house a home? For most of us the instant response is the people who live there. But beyond the folks you love, what makes your house a home?

Is it the neighborhood, valley, town or ridge where your house is located?

Or is it the house itself, the way it is designed, the way you can live within the space?

Is it the furnishings, the comfort of the couches, beds, and chairs?

Or is it windows that look out on a favorite view, or look into a special space?

Is it the little things you've added, the pictures and knicknacks and curtains that define what home is to you?

Or is it, as my friend Donna said yesterday, just a place that makes us feel happy?

I think I like Donna's definition best. Home is the place we can be happy, surrounded by those who love us and the things we've grown attached to, a place that provides comfort for the heart and soul as well as the body. I think that is what home means to me.

What makes your place home for you?


  1. Love this post :) When my first marriage unexpectedly ended and I found myself a single mom for the first time, it seemed at that time important to me to define my space in a way that reflected something of me, a comforting place, a place to belong. It had been that before in a different way, but it had to change to meet my needs in a different way. A home reflects not only the people in it, but spells refuge and comfort and something unique about it that nurtures us and gives us a springboard to that which gives us joy. THE biggest compliment I'd get is that people feel like they're home when they come over, and that they don't want to leave. If changing a paint color here and there or cherishing some well-worm items that belonged to those who came before us, whatever spells "I care about you" brings meaning to even the smallest most basic place called home...

  2. I think it is comfort and safety, whatever that may be. We have moved a lot of times and home is not immediately where I lay my head. It always takes awhile for us to settle in and make it feel like home.

  3. As I've recently been reminded, my home is where I'm surrounded by the ones who truly care about me - a place where I feel comfortable, safe, and loved. It's my sanctuary - a place where I can go to leave the hell of life behind.
    The worst part is when the hell invades, whether it be insane relatives visiting - or a death in the family that makes every corner, seat, and newel post a sad reminder of the happiness that was.

  4. Good thoughts, friends. Robbyn, that sense of being nurtured by our space is something I had not considered in those terms, but it is true. I remember coming home from work and seeing my house from the top of the driveway--the sense of peace and well-being that came over me was tangible, like a rush of joy.

  5. I've only moved a few times, Warren, but I recall the strangeness of a new house--especially waking up with the bed oriented in a different direction! That always felt odd, and still does if I stay away from home.

  6. Jason, I can understand. We have lost many pets over the years and seeing their favorite places without them there is so hard. Peace does come after a while, but it takes its own sweet time.

  7. Home is everything you mentioned and then some. As Dorothy said, there's no place like home.

  8. I have always "looked" for home that spoke of me. I finally found it! It's small, with an even smaller yard, has gardens all around it, and things that I treasure all inside it. It holds bad memories, but the good ones seem to outweigh the bad. It holds the kids I'm lucky to have and a husband that just loves me, no matter how goofy I get, or how mad, he just loves me. That's my home...a chaotic peaceful place! :)

  9. You are right...home is where you are happy. I didn't have a home for over two years, and I know what that feels like. All my stuff was in storage in two different places, and we were living with family and friends, and at one point, over an office in an old house (no kitchen, but thankfully a bath!) Now, I just need to be around my things, and looking at my birds and watching the things grow in my yard. Now I just need to curl up on the couch and watch TV with my hubby....and I am happy. That's what home is all about.

  10. comfort, privacy, nature, views, neighbors, seasons, dogs, computer, simplicity, warm comfortable bed to sleep in -- good post -- barbara

  11. I don't "love" my home. It's not in the country where I'd like to be but it is still my refuge from all things. A place to feel cozy and safe surrounded by those that mean the most to us.

  12. What a great photo essay on home. Safe refuge, comfort, neighbors, nature . . . things full of memories . . . Thanks for provoking thoughts!

  13. The events of my life have made everything in my life temporary, it is something that has haunted me for years and has been very hard to overcome. But home to me is where I come back to, no matter where I've been, it's always there waiting.


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