
Friday, February 10, 2012

Back to the Booth

We spent yesterday starting up our booth at the antique mall.

We hauled in the shelving and tables, wiped them down so they were good and clean, and got them arranged. There is less space in 8x10 feet than you'd think! We brought a round table with us that ended up coming back home--no space! I also have an old kitchen cabinet that I want to bring, but decided to paint it first, so we'll be rearranging again when it's done.

What we ended up with looked pretty good. But would you believe we completely filled my SUV and Larry's truck--but barely filled the booth? So when I got home last night I packed more things to go. One thing I realized as I was setting up was that I had lots of small-dollar items but not too many things over $20. That means I'd have to sell a lot just to pay the booth rent. So last night I concentrated on finding things that will sell for more $$$. I like having the lower-priced things, because as my sister said, those are the booths she likes to shop in because she can afford a few things. But I need a better mix, so that's today's challenge.

Larry has been a real packhorse. He's moved boxes and boxes, moved furniture, run back and forth to the hardware store and just been a great help. He was so tired he was in bed before 9 and slept like a stone all night.

Thanks to Joy's good advice this has been a lot easier than it might have been. I grouped things as she advised, made the booth look full even though it needs and will get a lot more stuff in it today, and got some good compliments from the owner and the cashier. The young cashier came in and looked around and said, :I love this! You've got your girlie corner, your primitive country corner, your snooty corner and over there's the kitchen. You've got a great decorating style." That made me feel good. The "snooty" corner, by the way, has a silver service and vintage china and dishes along with an older ginger jar lamp.

I will post photos soon, I promise. I'm trying to take them as I work but keep forgetting. And yesterday I had my little great-granddaughter for the last hour we were there--she was so much fun and so interested in everything, so I spent some time looking around the mall with her. Maybe she'll get the vintage bug early.

We're off again to take another load  before the snow comes. I expect to be housebound tomorrow if the snow arrives as predicted.

I was absolutely exhausted by the time I dropped in bed about 1 am this morning.


  1. It sounds beautiful and fun. Thanks for sharing, and I am looking forward to photos. You have a gift for that as well.
    It occurred to me that, despite having less wood to chop, Larry is still doing plenty of hard work. You two are amazing!
    "snooty corner" cracks me up!

  2. Post your pics!!! Have fun with this! And I hope it's a good business venture for you! Sounds smart.

  3. It sounds lovely and like the kind of stall that would draw me in when I wander around those places, even the 'snooty corner.'--Jane

  4. Congratulations of getting through that really big first day. Love the comments of the young woman. A viewpoint from that age group is a very good indicator of doing it right. I love getting comments from various age groups when I am at my booth. It tunes up my arranging, picking and pricing.

  5. Hope you got everything up there before the snow came. A housebound day is probably no bad thing after all the work you and Larry have been doing:)

  6. I can't wait to see pictures & wish I lived close enough to go see for myself.

  7. Well, shoot. I forgot to take pictures again. We took 8 or 9 more boxes in today, so it's really full now :) I guess I'll have to get back over there this weekend if the snow doesn't keep us in and take the pictures.

  8. I'm waiting on pictures :o)

  9. I love stopping by vintage booths. It always surprises me when I see something in them that was a familiar part of my childhood. I guess I must be vintage too. Waiting to see your pictures.

  10. Fun following your new enterprise -- barbara

  11. I look forward to hearing about all the sales at the booth and seeing the pictures of how you have it set up! Good luck!!!


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