
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Quick Fix--If You Have Snow, That Is

A good snow means a good opportunity to clean rugs. I do not remember where I learned this trick but it certainly works for giving rugs a quick scrub in the winter. This time Larry did the honors.

It's as simple as carrying your rugs outside, dumping snow on them and then scrubbing them with a broom. It is amazing how much dirt is removed in the process. I use this for rugs that can't go in the washing machine and the results are very similar to using a rug cleaner.

There's not been much snow here this winter, and the 3 inches this weekend was the most we've had at one time, so it was a good opportunity to get the rugs done. No snow ice cream this time, though--I just forgot to make it. So let's hope for more snow so we can enjoy that simple treat.


  1. I must remember this one for the braided rug in my kitchen. Looks like it will have to be next winter now though:)

  2. I know--this has been a very un-snowy winter in most places. But my cousin Les who lives near Grantchester posted a photo of a good 6-8" of snow last week, Rowan.

  3. Wonder if this is in any way related to using damp tea leaves (left over, obviously, from the pot) for the same purpose. I think I read about that one in Beeton's.--Mario

  4. Interesting! I have not heard of this, but would like to try it.

  5. I will have to try this though I may have to wait until next winter the way this one has gone.

    Doe sit work well with thicker rugs than you have in the picture? I have a large rug, too big for my washer but it's very thick. I do vacuum it but would love to do a better job cleaning it. I have hung it on the clothesline & sprayed it down well with the garden hose in the summer time.

  6. Great idea! No snow here, though.


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