
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

That Time of Year

Yes, it's garden planting time! Larry and I put in peas, lettuce, radishes, carrots, onions and spinach yesterday, with help from Clyde who loves to get in the way and see what we're doing. Thanks to my sister Theresa, we had plenty of lettuce seed--after I complained in a post about the local seed stores not having any seeds available yet, she mailed me some. What a sweet sister. (Behind Larry are the remains of the old shed that was about to fall over. He's salvaging the wood for re-use on his little cabin project.

All of the things we planted are early-season crops so cold weather won't bother then. Cold, drenching rain isn't helpful though, which is what happened last year. I am hoping that this year the spring weather will be more cooperative.

Gardening is all about hope and optimism, isn't it? Each year we start with high expectations that this year everything will be right--the sun, rain and temperatures will be favorable and all crops will grow like the pictures in the seed catalogs. How often is that really the case? Rarely, at least in my gardens. But the well of optimism is deep indeed, and each year we and hundreds of other gardeners start all over again. Each year brings some disappointment, but there are always those faithful plants that surprise us with bounty and keep us returning to the garden every spring.

Have you been out to plant yet? Or is the season still too early in your area? We're early birds here, always wanting to get those spring vegetables in the ground, but in some places it's probably still too cold to consider even planting lettuce.

Here's to a glorious year for all our gardens!


  1. You inspire me! Chris doesn't even want me to start the lettuce patch yet. He says it's too soon, but I disagree!

  2. What a slope to garden on! I tried gardening on a slope and fell more than I stood. I am sure though that your garden will be productive and by the looks of it large. -- barbara

  3. Nice to think it's planting time somewhere. Too early here (MA), but my list of things to plant this year is growing like a weed :)

    (Thanks for disabling that horrible verification thing!!)

  4. THE BOSS won't put anything in the ground before may 15th and I have a pair of black thumbs so I just let her have her way.

  5. hope and optimism . . . that is the God's Trutj and is what gets me thru the winter.

    I have planted one row of lettuce.

    We, in Iowa, are still experiencing lows at or below freezing. We have had some lovely 50 - 60ish days too but they don't hold together.

  6. I'm hoping to plant some this weekend-and I'm with you on the weather : )

  7. I have planted the first round of leaf lettuce; as soon as it sticks its nose up above ground, we'll plant Round 2. We are watching the winter onions and the bunching onions. I'm thinking I should put out some radish and green onion seed. Otherwise, we have to wait til Good Friday for the potatoes and Mother's Day for the other bits! It is, after all, Iowa.


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