
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So Much To Tell!

I've been away from this blog for a week and so much has happened I don't know where to start. For one thing, Spring has certainly sprung:

The seeds we planted at the end of February are up--lettuce, onions, carrots, peas and spinach. Tonight we planted cabbages, broccoli, more lettuce, snow peas and beets. Everything is moving too fast and the spring flowers will be over before most of them usually begin to bloom. On the upside, my rosemary plant survived the winter along with other plants that usually don't make it. Right now cherries, pear and peach trees are in full bloom and my fingers are crossed tight that they'll make it through.

I had an amazing trip to New York State! I got home Monday night, completely weary but so satisfied. My ballad workshop went very well and it was a pleasure to present to such an attentive and appreciative audience.

I heard some outstanding storytelling during the conference, and renewed friendships with people I've only known online or have not seen in years. What fun that was!

I saw a lot of New York state too, thanks to my friend Lorna who took the scenic route back to Buffalo where she lives (I stayed with her on the way to and from the conference).
The Mohawk Valley was stunning. I always thought New York might be a beautiful place but until this weekend had only seen its western side. On this trip I saw a lot of the central part of the state. I'll have pics in another post, but believe me, it's a place I want to see again.

When we returned to Lorna's house Sunday evening we lighted only long enough to unload our bags, then we were off to Niagara Falls. I'd seen them before but there are some places that I want to see again and again, and the falls are one of them. It was almost dark, but who cared? Not me.

On the way home, I dawdled on the banks of Lake Erie for a bit, and stumbled on this lovely lighthouse:

More about it in another post, I promise. The fog was so thick that driving was a challenge--that and the Low Fuel light that was beaming at me from my dashboard. I did finally find gas in Erie, PA, and then found a Salvation Army Store. My junking instincts took over of course, so I had to stop.

There was just one tiny problem--a police officer's car was outside, lights on, and a reporter stood near the door.

"Can't go in now," the reporter said. "They were just held up at gunpoint."

Really? I debated whether to just leave or wait and at that moment the officer came out and said it was okay to go in. So of course I did. The guy was long gone by then. The staff inside were in tears but amazingly still working.

As I left with my finds (some very good ones, pics tomorrow, I promise) I thought about that robber. he got about $50. He could easily have made that much and more honestly by doing just what I do: finding good things in the store and reselling them, with no threat of jail hanging over his head. How sad is it that someone sinks so low as to rob a thrift store! Kudos, though, to the ladies working there. They did everything right and continued to work even though visibly upset. Life will go on, despite the bad people.

Homeward bound, I saw clouds looming, a storm on the way.

But after a sprinkle or two the clouds passed, and finally I arrived on my ridge:

to a warm welcome:

Home. Though I love to see new places and people, coming home is really the best part of all.

And now I ave also come home to my blog. It feels very good. I have lots more to share from my trip but for now being home, sharing an evening by the firepit on the patio and watching the stars come out is what I want to do. See you all tomorrow!


  1. Welcome Home. Looking forward to hearing more about your time away.

  2. Hi Sue; I am using plain floor wax, any brand. I have coloured waxes as well and use them if the item needs shade and shadow. I would love to try Annie Sloan waxes with her brush and I will some day (well, maybe). The 1-1-3 gives a fairly rough finish, a 1-1-6 gives a smoother finish when painting. I let the paint dry at least 24 hours before waxing and more if I have time.

  3. So much in that post to think on! The herbs, the storytellers conference, the friendships, the sightseeing, and home!!! You're having fun!

  4. Glad your weekend was a success. For a good part of my life I thought New York was just a city! A few years ago my friend took me up to the Adirondacks and I was surprised to find that much of New York state is really rural and beautiful.


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