
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Too Pretty to Stay Inside

It was too pretty a day to spend all of it inside, although that is what I needed to do. I needed to finish putting together my tax information for the accountant. In past years I have done our taxes myself, but with retirement, selling the land and other changes this year I decided it was past my capabilities. However, I still needed to round up my receipts and get things into a spreadsheet and that is not my skill area. I resist as long as possible--which means that on a lovely day like today, I had to stick at the computer and work. Yuck.

I did sneak out for a bit however; even a numbers slave needs a coffee break. I took mine with Two Lane Livin', out on the deck with a cup of hazelnut coffee. Life can be very sweet sometimes. Flowers, bees buzzing, soft cool breezes and the spring sunshine were completely beautiful. The little cherry tree we planted two years ago is in full bloom today, and promises enough cherries this year to make a cobbler, maybe?

Blooms are everywhere: dogwood, redbud, apple trees, crabapple. These spring colors are heart-breakingly lovely. Even the oaks are beginning to leaf, at least 2 weeks ahead of their normal time.

I gave in to the call of outside to do some weed-pulling, trying again to win the battle of Aging Granny vs Creeping Charlie, that insidious vining weed that is pretty in a dangerous way. The little plant seems so innocent, and then suddenly it is taking over the world. I knocked it back a bit while I cut back lavender, rosemary and sage and pulled up trailing vinca and the stout annual hollyhock that apparently is a perennial here because it usually blooms right up to Christmas and lives through the winter.

The bird house is still waiting for a resident, but with the cats in close proximity, I doubt there will be any takers.

My sister gave me these beautiful chimes and they sang sweetly today in the breeze.

Just hangin' out on the porch--the dried leaves are a "hand" of tobacco that must be 20 years old. Larry found it in the little cabin he tore down this winter. Our neighbors Dan and Belva used to grow tobacco and put it up in the old way of "handing" it, which means tying several leaves of the same grade together with another leaf. When we grew tobacco, we baled it and I never learned the handing method. I am glad to have this reminder of our good neighbors.

A little Easter decorating ended up on the washstand on the porch; I don't do much for holidays other than Christmas, just a touch to welcome the celebration.

And then it was time to go back inside and get to work again. I finally did finish--I hope. We'll see what the accountant has to say. Tomorrow, maybe I will have more time to enjoy this incredible spring weather.


  1. Well done on finishing the work on your taxes:) We've been having the same sort of wonderful Spring weather and I've spent a lot of time outside too. I leave for Ireland later today and the weather is set to get cooler and showery - just my luck!

  2. Beautiful pictures, Sue. It is too pretty to stay inside, I am finding it very difficult to work, as soon as I hit the house, outside I go! I love spring and the flowers, although the battle against the weeds is taking its toll! Glad you were able to get the paperwork finished. See you soon. Love and hugs tm

  3. I haven't finished my tax prep paperwork. Thanks for the reminder. I think I have to have a vanilla latte (well, 1/2 c coffee and 1/2 cup hot milk) and get back to paperwork. Nice pictures of outside of your home. A visual treat. Thanks.

  4. I am sooo jealous. Of course we are at 3500 feet, and further north than you are, so springs are late here anyhow, but to add insult to injury a giant storm front came in from the PAcific yesterday and it has been DUMPING rain and blowing a gale outside for two days.....I drove through giant puddles on the way to work this morning.

    Kimberley King who is
    All Wet in Central ORegon

  5. Hope the good weather lasts for you. It's just about to finish here - just as my Easter break is beginning! Glad to say my tax is all deducted from my pay each month, so I don't have to concern myself with it.

  6. Rowan, I thought I was done, but when I stopped at the accountant's she had a list of other things she needs :/ So I'll be back at it Monday.

  7. I think the weeds will take over the world when we finally annihilate ourselves, Theresa :) Especially vinca and that Creeping Charles or gill-over-the-ground.

  8. I was so happy to get that much done, Joy--and then found I have more to do. At least it was nice to feel free for a little while.

  9. My son was in Oregon a couple weeks back, Kimberley, and he said the rain came down in torrents--sideways! Your time is coming, and it will be sweet when it does.

  10. John, here they take them out of people's pay too, but then at the end of the year you do all this paperwork to see if you owe or if they owe you back. It's such a pain. I wish we had a flat tax--you pay it, end of story, none of this nonsense and detailed red tape.

  11. It looks like Spring is in full swing at your house Granny Sue! It's so beautiful with all of your flowering trees and greenery all around. I was thinking of you the other day when I seen the Red Bud Trees in full beauty! It reminded me of your red bud jelly. Hope you can find some time this year to make some since there are plenty of trees around right now.

    Have a Wonderful Weekend!


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