
Monday, May 14, 2012

Going Across the Mountains, Day 1

Goin' cross the mountains, oh fare ye well,
Goin' cross the mountains, oh fare ye well...

 Lines from an old Civil War song fit our weekend journey quite well. We traveled across the mountains to the southern part of the state to the home of our friends Ron and Wendy Perrone, who operate the Three Rivers Avian Center high atop Brooks Mountain in Summers county. It's a beautiful drive, passing stunning scenery like this:

 and this:

We wound up the gravel road to their home, passing swaths of pale blue wild foxglove.

The view from their home

is worth the drive:

After an evening cookout, we headed for the bed-and-breakfast in Hinton called The Chestnut Revival. This is the place we laid our heads on this first day of our weekend trip:

More tomorrow about this place and early morning in Hinton, West Virginia.

Copyright 2007 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I can't wait to see - I hope you have lots of pics. You may remember I'm from Monroe county & I love Summers county as well!

  2. What wonderful scenery! That bed looks very comfortable too - looking forward to reading more about your trip.

  3. those vistas are beautiful1 I have seen them in person . . . but I suppose not exactly as what you see. I am enjoying your journey . . . and look forward to future installments : )


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