
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Allegheny Echoes is in full swing with music under the stars, workshops and beautiful mountains all around. And I have even learned the basics of two tunes on my dulcimer! I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to be able to finally know at least the basics of how to play my instrument. It was my fiftieth birthday gift to myself; eleven years later I am finally learning to play. I had to leave Echoes tonight to drive a few hours to a motel where I will spend the night. Tomorrow I have two library programs to present, then I'll drive back to Pocahontas County for the wild meat feast and nighttime jams. A bit hectic but worth it. Last night several of the women in the singing class got together and invited me to sing with them. We had fun singing old songs until the night was close to becoming tomorrow. Today Isat with a poet friend and we brainstormed some possibilities for for a poem he is writing. Yesterday evening I joined the creative writing class for a poetry round. That's one of the great things about Echoes; we can take part in so many different activities. Excuse any typing errors. I am posting from my phone so you know how that is!


  1. Congratulations on the two tunes. Getting started is often the hardest step.

  2. Hope you weren't posting while you were DRIVING, dear! We know how THAT can be! I was on the expressway during rush hour and noticed a fella texting while driving - he pulled in front of me, and texted away, right into a concrete WALL! His car spun around towards me going 45 mph, and it sure got my attention- thought he was going to hit me for sure, but he slammed on the brakes which caused black smoke to burn from his tires - then he took off across the remaining 3 lanes of traffic going the wrong way - and went up off the nearest exit ramp!!! I, of course, was stopped when this all happened - scared the heck out of me! Do not text and drive, please!!! LOL!

  3. Now you can come down here and play with us : ) Glad you're having a good time!

  4. No texting and driving here, Wrangler! Shoot I'm way too slow at it anyway. There are only a few places in this county where there is internet access because of the large Green Banks observatory nearby. Cell signals interfere with the satellite signals at the observatory so unless one is in town, there's no service. It's nice in a way to be free of constant contact :)


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