
Monday, June 4, 2012

Flower Photos, At Last

The weather finally cooperated and I stopped painting and mulching long enough to take some photos of the gardens today. I'm about halfway with the mulch, still have weeding and pruning to do. And I have this idea that involves even more work but that can wait. Here's what the gardens look like right now:

 This is my newest bed; it's about 5 years old, I think. It was mulched earlier in the spring but needs a fresh coat. This is a very dry area and I am learning what will do well here. The peach tree on the right, the lambs ear and the iris below it all came up in the compost pile that used to be here.

 Same garden, different view. After taking all these photos, I found I had a smudge on my lens. Sigh. My apologies for the weird spots on these.

The tall plant in the foreground should have been planted in the back of the garden! It was a wild flower we dug up in the mountains and I thought it was bleeding heart. When we planted it, it shot straight up. So next year it will have a new home, but even with its odd position it lovely, especially with those little pink primroses that I got from a start from my sister Maggie. Those spread like crazy which suits me just fine. In the front corner is some white yarrow, a wild plant that came up in this garden, and in the background near the pump and bucket is feverfew, which seeded itself here along with several coneflower plants. I like a garden that plans and plants itself.

Miss Charlie found a cozy place to nap under the wormwood.

Along the sidewalk--I added Asiatic lilies to this bed this year, along with a bleeding heart and some dahlias. I've had a time keeping the dogs out of it though so it has suffered up to now.

Benson, our visiting grand-dog, had to get in the pictures--he followed me all over the yard. Those orbs are really Bennie's hair floating around. He sheds a lot!

This is the project area. I don't like the look of the area where I park my car--it seems like the garden looks helter skelter in this area, and in truth most of the plants in the area are self-planted. So I am thinking what it needs is some edging to at least give it some definition. That means I need Larry's help and that means pulling him off the projects that are keeping him plenty busy already. So I may just have to continue to plan this, or maybe we'll have a day when the planets align and we both want to get this done. We'll see.

Of course, this is one of the projects keeping us both busy--the vegetable gardens. The raspberries are covered right now to keep the sneaky birds out. We've pulled the pea vines and planted cucumbers along the support we used for the peas. I also planted more lettuce and some yellow pear tomatoes from seed--hoping for late salad tomatoes.

That's a look at some of the gardens. I'll post more later this week.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Everything looks wonderful! I love the chair holding the pot of flowers, such a whimsical touch!

  2. "like" it all. Great gardens and photos. You must be "crazy" busy! Stay strong!

  3. Your gardens and flower beds look wonderful & Miss Charlie is the smart one. She's found herself a nice cool spot to nap.

  4. There's always plenty to do in a garden at this time of the year - I just wish it would stop raining long enough for me to get out into mine!


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