
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back to June: Random Shots

I'm going back in time to share some of the highlights of this summer. June was a delightful month. The gardens were burgeoning, storytelling was heating up, and we spent an amazing week in the high mountains of Pocahontas county learning to play banjo (Larry) and dulcimer (me).

First, I've really wanted to show you this fungus growing on a tree stump along our driveway. It was so beautiful; I've seen similar in other places, but this one was huge and so bright orange in the morning light.

At Allegheny Echoes, this bumper sticker sent me a powerful message:

From the restaurant deck at Marlinton, we could look down on a mother duck caring for her young:

The view from the restaurant was beautiful, looking across the Greenbrier River:

Late-night fireside jam at Allegheny Echoes, during the Wild Meat Dinner. What a night that was! Even the moon was something special.

 Enough for tonight. Tomorrow I'll write more about Echoes; it deserves a post of its own.

 Copyright 2007 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. That fungus was amazing! The color was much better in person, i bet, and the size was really impressive!

  2. So good to have you back -- stunning photos!!
    Good luck dealing with the electricity problem. I have friends doing solar panels and others using wind generators, so why shouldn't you get to use your free gas? Sustaining the life you have built there . . . good way to express the goal.

  3. Do the gills glow in the dark? Those look vaguely like jack-o-lantern mushrooms ...

    Lovely photographs, all of them.--Mario R.


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