
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Update: Found the Ballad Singers

I found them! I went looking for singing last night; everywhere there was music. The air was filled with a great cacaphony of sound as one group and another played on the porches, in front of the tiny campus bar called the Icehouse, and even in the back of a pickup truck. As I wandered and listened I ran into a couple other ladies who were also looking for singing, so we meandered to a stairwell known for its incredible acoustics and started singing.

It didn't take long for a few others to join us. And as usual with ballads, different versions were shared or one song reminded someone of another. A reference to a willow tree, the words "and the rocks melt in the sun" brought forth other ballads.

It was a great time. I made it back and to bed by 1:30 to be ready for today's class, and who knows what else might come?

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. "Rocks melting in the sun" rings some pretty loud bells though I can't think which song it comes from. But willow trees turn up all over the place, don't they. It's great when one song just leads to another.

  2. Enjoying your last several posts, especially the last two on ballads and just being where you are.

  3. John, it's a ghost story ballad, and last night we sang 3 or 4 versions. He comes back, she says something about his clay cold cheeks, etc. I can't think of the name of them, though :/

  4. It is fun, Jenny :) So much music everywhere, and great people. I spent some time talking to the man who taught the Appalachian dialects class last night; he's so interesting. We talked about Tom Dula and lots of other things. I've met people from all over the US, one a lady close to my age who just completed a 900-mile hike!

  5. am really enjoying this series too. am fascinated by the gal that completed the 900-mile hike. I can't sing or tell stories, but I can hike. 900 miles? ummm not so sure but it would be fun trying!

  6. She hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, Nance. She'd already done the Appalachian Trail. She said there were hundreds of miles of desert on the PCT. Can you imagine?


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