
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Photos of Yesterday's Work

When I retired, I thought I'd be canning, writing and mostly staying at home. Instead, I got into the antiques and collectibles business. I didn't do it on purpose; it just grew on its own accord and I must admit, I am thoroughly enjoying myself.

An example of how this business has grown is the space I rented just this weekend. My booths are full and I needed a place to display some of the better glassware I want to sell. As it happened there was a display case available very near my booth in Marietta. I rented it and then set about filling it up. Here are a few photos of the result. You can click on any photo to make them larger so you can see better.

It's not a large space but it has good visibility. This photo shows the whole display case but not all of what's in it due to the lighting glare.
I used the top of the cae to display a few pieces, especially the red glass that caught the light well.
Here is a better shot of the interior of the case, showing the lower 3 shelves.

While ig might seem like an easy thing to fill a few shelves with glassware, it really takes time. You want the layout to be inviting and to show each piece to full advantage; you want balance and space between things so they can be seen. I moved things from one place to another trying to achieve just what I wanted. Was it worth the trouble? I won't know until I see if thngs sell.
Of course, I have to share this photo of a traffic jam we encountered yesterday:

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Almost feel like making a 'why did the turkey cross the road' joke but I couldn't think up a good answer. Neat photo.

    Love seeing what you are doing for your glass display shelves. Its very handy to have a display case with such good lighting close to your booths.


  2. You are SUCH an inspiration!
    I'm am sooooo poised on the very brink of attempting my own booth.
    Still in the Fear Stage. lol
    Also......I'm not so sure I can PART with my treasures! I'm a bit of a nut when it comes to them! :)

    Love reading about your journey!

    Have a magical day!

    The Goat Borrower

  3. Love that display case and all those beautiful pieces inside. I love seeing such a large group of wildlife at one time.

  4. I do love the way you arrange the wares -- they are indeed pretty, and I'm sure it does invite shoppers. I hope you have to refill often!

  5. You really have a nice display. I hope your booth does well. Those turkeys are my kind of traffic jam :)

  6. Some traffic jams are worth the wait!!


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