
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Number 2200

This is my 2,200th post on this blog. It seems impossible that there could be so many. The years have flown by and I have met so many good friends here.

I've been thinking about what to write on this milesone, and decided to list links to my favorites of the many posts I've written over the years. So here it is, a retrospective of the past 5 1/2 years of blogging:

My Highway tells the story of a road I travel often, US Route 33 across central West Virginia.

Wash Your Face in the Morning Dew explores folklore attached to this practice, and some family photos and memories of childhood traditions.

What Makes Home is a rumination about the places we love, and why.

A Poppy for the Veterans is a tribute to the many veterans in my family, including four of my five sons.

The Waver is about a man I never met, and yet had a special place in my heart.

Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still is a reminder to look beneath the surface to the person within.

The Fairy Ring captures the folkore and magic of these mushroom rings, and Rhys at the Fairy Dance is the story of a man captured by fairy magic.

Tappan Deluxe is the story of a stove--my dream stove and how it came to my house. I'm still in love with it.

Possum Tales is just that--tales of possums, both true and not-so-true.

Building the Log Cabin Room is a photo journal of the first log cabin we moved and used to build the log room on our house. Room #2 is in progress from the logs of the second cabin we moved last summer; I need to update you on that project too.

Twelfth Night is one of my many posts about the Christmas/holiday season. This one shares stories, links, memories and more about a holiday often overlooked in the US.

Making Apple Butter and Memories was written about the day we made apple butter in a blinding snow storm. Yes we did--in February, no less.

There are many more I could have included. Reading back through the older posts was like looking through a photo album, each post recalling where I was at the time, the people, the places.

Thank you for being here and being readers throughout these life journeys.


  1. Consider putting out a book from blog?

  2. I went back & read the Fairy ring post. We used to have a fairy ring in our front yard. As it got bigger each year it ran out of room - running into the house, our well & a tree. I was very sad when it stopped coming up.

    But, I'm thankful it did sprout when my son was small & we so enjoyed reading fairy stories & taking lots of pictures of him playing around it.

    I always stop to look at them when I spot one too.

  3. Congratulations! That's quite a milestone. :)

    I'm a fairly recent newcomer, and have been keeping up with new posts and rummaging around at random in older ones, so I'll look forward to following each of those links.

  4. Steele, I have considered it and will be sending a proposal to do just that to a publisher this month. Which posts to select--that's the question!

  5. I think I have one beginning in my yard, Jenny. I'm hopeful! There was an old oak that we had to cut because it was almost completely dead. I put a flower garden around its base, and this year saw white mushrooms... so maybe...

  6. Thank you, quinn. I love writing here, and particularly enjoy the comments because it is like a conversation with all of you who read.

  7. What a great milestone to celebrate...Congratulations! Your blog is one of my favorites.

  8. Thanks, Steve! I appreciate your continued readership. And your blog is one of my favorites, too. The photos are just amazing.

  9. Wow! That is quite a milestone and a nice collection of stories for us!

  10. I love how you share your life here...and am the richer for it...thank you!!

    Robbyn :-D

  11. Granny Sue -- 2,200 posts! You have been a busy writer for sure. What a history line you have for the future. I wonder if one can save posts on discs. It would be a nice gift for someone in your family. -- barbara

  12. Congratulations. I'm just closing in on 500, and that surprised me.

  13. It was a late night for me last night, I went back and re-read them all. And enjoyed it and every one all over again.


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