
Friday, October 5, 2012

What Is It? Contest #2

The first contest was such fun, I thought I'd try another. Can you guess what this is?

The three pieces in the center of this photo go together. Bonus points if you also know what the two-ended piece in upper right of the photo is for--the one with the two metal discs connected by a wood handle. That piece, however, has nothing to do with the other three.

These are all from the collection of Mr. Henderson, who was so nice about letting me photograph his display. I could have stayed right there all day talking to him.

Good luck guessing!

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Gosh, I don't know but with those types of handles they look like something that go on or attach to a woodburning stove...can't wait to see your answer :)

  2. These are fluters and used in ironing for ruffles on collars and sleeves. Also the object on the right is a hog scraper.

  3. I would guess a Goffer Iron. The iron you use to put lots of ruffles or crimping along the edges.

  4. Hi Susanna. They look like irons that would make pleats or creases.

  5. Comments and guesses are coming in quickly! I will wait to post them until later today, and announce the winner tomorrow. You guys have creative minds!

  6. I really have no idea ...but its such fun ...I think it is some sort of crimper ...maybe for lace collars or maybe hair ...after all people used to iron their hair straight.
    As for the other item ...could it be a cutter ...held in the middle and rolled along to give an exact width.
    Cant wait to see what they actually are xx

  7. I have no idea about the three items in the center. I have used a HOG SCRAPER at many a country butchering, though.

  8. Ok, I'm going to guess at the three items in addition to the hog scraper. Could they be used to press ruffles in a garment?

  9. It's a pleater, for ironing . . . I only know this from visiting an historical site, where they let visitors try it on paper. I myself seldom iron. ;-)
    No idea about the other, unless it's for weight-lifting . . .

  10. I wouldn't enter as I won the snow cone scraper contest . . . but I am competitive and I did want to know what these tools are. But I don't! I only know the center tool has a cook stove lide handle (or thingamajig :) sticking up out of that second piece and these tools must have been used on wood cook stoves. Can't wait to find out!

  11. Once again we have two winners! And a lot of people who guessed correctly. WVSimplicity was the first to say it was an iron for putting ruffles in garments, and also correctly guessed the hog scraper. Jeanne named the iron with its correct name. You all are amazing! Jeanne and WVSimplicity, please send me your addresses via email to susanna and I will mail each of you a CD. I should add that I do not use your personal information for any other reason, as other contest winners can verify :)

    Thanks to everyone for playing along. This has been such fun. I have a couple more to share with you, so be ready to put on your thinking caps again!

  12. Thank you so much Sue! I'm so pleased to be a winner! I read about goffer irons in the Ralph Moody books but I've never seen one.


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