
Monday, December 17, 2012

This Year's Tree

It's a small tree, and it's not a real tree this year. We bought a pre-lighted one at the auction last week for just a few dollars and Larry was delighted--he would not have to cut and drag a tree after all! I prefer a live one, but for the price, well....

So, no live tree but a very pretty little one. We trimmed it with almost all vintage balls along with a few that are special to me for all kinds of reasons.

Like this one made by my mother

and this one given to my by my youn friend Anastasia (and made by her Greek grandmother)

Then there's the heart-shaped one brought back from Germany by my son Derek
and a picture ornament of our youngest son Tommy on his first Christmas, given to me by his babysitter

and this red one with my name on it, made by me when I was a child (and one of the few things that survived my childhood!)
One was given to me by a family for whom I told stories one Christmas
and a cute teapot-shaped one was given to me by my youngest sister, Julie
and there are a few from the huge collection my parents gathered through the years

and a candy cane made for me by the Adult Basic Education students when I was manager of my first branch library, at Clendenin, West Virginia
So many ornaments, so many memories. And so much fun to see them again and find just the right place to hang them.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Beautiful and special -- thanks for sharing all those memories! I think I'll have a special meal on the pretty plate you sent me . . .
    Much happiness to you and yours! Hugs (((Sue)))

  2. Very pretty tree with lots of precious memories. Glad to hear of your published poem. I'll have to see if the Library has or is getting the anathology.

    Like you, I'm actually trying to simplify Christmas. This is my first year doing so. I'm donating some surplus decorations and trying to make the gift giving a little simpler each year. In the past, I've made jellies and jams for gifts with home-made candy. I've already made a mental note to do so again in 2013. Merry Christmas!

  3. So beautiful - I love it dripping with old ornaments like this.

    I didn't even hang any ornaments on my tree this yr. We've had so much family illness that I just filled my antique dough bowl with my vintage ornaments, set out my nativities & put lights, garland & angel on the tree. We've really enjoyed cutting back on all the extras.

  4. Amy, I think we are not alone in this trend. It's a relief not to be rushing to stores and getting stressed out over what should be a joyous time. I look forward to the evergreens, the mistletoe, the tree, the coming of Solstice, the quiet reverence of Christmas Eve, the noise of family gatherings. That's what the season is about to me.

  5. I bet you have your own special ornaments too, Mary :)

  6. I love the ornaments that carry memories with them.



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