
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Vintage Thursday: Ravenswood Booth

I made a few changes at Ravenswood lately, and have made more after I took these photos, so I'll post more next week. Here's a quick peek:

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. An old friend had one of those silver trees. They had the light that you put on it and it went around in a circle.

  2. Wow! it is filling up and your are getting it "displayed". Is that a "fish" platter behind the green cannisters? And I love the pair of double candlesticks.

  3. That is a fish platter, Nance! It's funnny, until I started selling I'd never seen (or at least, never noticed) these fish plates, but now I see them everywhere. There are even little serving plates to go with them that I've seen at some sales.

  4. Angela, I've never liked these aluminum trees until this year but now I love them. They're from the 50's-60's, and one thing that's kinda cool is that they are made from all natural materials! They're real aluminum, with a wood trunk and wire branches. I almost kept this one for home which is so totally not like what I usually have in my house, but I just think it's so cute. Very retro, ya know :)

  5. I remember my mother having a set of red canisters like the yellow ones, Sue. I've kept my eyes open for a set but haven't seen any affordable ones yet. As one friend remarked, most people visiting an antique mall buy their childhood--the things they remember from their home or their grandparents' home. It's true--I am attracted to things I grew up with and the things I remember seeing in the homes of elderly neighbors. No grandparents lived close by when I was a child so I have one a few vague memories of my one grandmother's house. But our neighbors were all the age of my grandparents so their homes fill that space in my memory.

  6. This is so beautiful. I'm torn between wishing I were closer and being glad to be far from the temptation . . . swinging to the former, because it would we so wonderful to see you. ;-)

  7. I'm a wanting that fish platter r my Pisces daughter. (I don't see the platters here in Ioway or the serving dishes. Will you post it on Ebay? If it doesn't sell, will 'alert' me?


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