
Monday, January 28, 2013

Looking Back at White

We had snow last week--not much, but enough to create beautiful landscapes everywhere I looked. We were in town when it started so we enjoyed a fairly lonely ride home since few vehicles were on the road with us. Here's a photo journal of the trip up Joe's Run and home. The snow all melted today as the temps were rising and the rain was falling. At least we have the memory.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Joe's Run what a great name for a road love your shots feel like I was there. Thanks for the tour!

  2. We got another couple of inches yesterday. Just enough to cover up the remaining 8 inches or so, and make it all pretty again :)

  3. Those are wonderful winter photos!

  4. So serene and quiet. Makes you want to just sit down and be reflective.

  5. Nice photos - though I'm glad not to have snow here - just rain.

  6. Rob, I understand that it was named after Joe Murray (or was it Joe Parsons? Now I can't remember, but seems like it was Murray) who once had a store at the mouth of the hollow. According to one story I read, during the Civil Warthe Union troops raided the store and dumped out all the whiskey barrels, pouring the alcohol into Mill Creek where they lit it on fire and it burned as it floated down the creek. I wonder at that tale because it would seem like a huge waste, but maybe that was to prevent the troops from getting drunk?

  7. I wish we'd gotten more snow instead of rain, Quinn. Now we have mud :( And Larry had to go up on the roof to fix a place that started leaking. The temps were warm enough to take up shingles and replace them, thank goodness. We've been tracking this leak for several months trying to find where it started. I *think* he got it. We'll know when it pours again!

  8. Jenny, it was lovely, it really was. And it actually felt like winter for a few days there. Now it's back up in the 60's and I would much rather it stayed cold a while longer.

  9. Mamabug, I would be interested in seeing what you'd do with such an opportunity :) I bet your pics would be stunning.

    I think that's what I like about snow, Harvey, the peacefulness of it. And the quiet. All sounds are muffled and distant.

  10. Granny Sue: that last photo makes me think it was a scray trip down that hill.

  11. In Iowa, we don't have "Runs". We have creeks (cricks) and rivers. My Mama was born in WV in 1920 and lived there until she was almost 9 yr old. She taught her children that a Run, in WVa, is a dry creek bed. It is only a creek if there is water in it. Now, Sue, is that just a child's hazy memory? or imagining? or is that WV fact? :)


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