
Friday, March 22, 2013

A Sisters Birthday Celebration

This is the plate,

and these are the cupcakes we put on the plate,

and this is Theresa who baked all the cakes to put on the plate,

to surprise sister Mary whose birthday had come

and this is sweet Julie, the other birthday one. 

These are two sisters, having some fun

And here we all are, every one!

We really did have a great time together. You'll notice the plastic "bling" on the cake? Mary and Julie are serious lovers of bling so Theresa decided to supply some, at a reasonable cost of course. (You know, I counted backward, and I think these two sisters were birthday presents to my mother; count back none months, and you get June, which was her birthday month. Hmmm...)

We were fortunate to find a very accommodating young man who took pictures for us. Bless his heart, I know he had a time trying to get everyone to be still, and the wind was enough to carry off a good-sized hog so it's a wonder any of them came out well.

Our day was short, but we certainly packed it full. I hope we can plan another get-together in a few months. I really want to show them the West Virginia Museum of American Glass in Weston, WV, and then there's that antique mall in Buckhannon I've been wanting to visit. Definitely, another day is in order, I think.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was lucky to have THREE sisters. You hit the jackpot!



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