
Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Birthday and Memories

Today is my oldest son's birthday. The years have not dimmed my memory of that first look at his face or the first time I held him. He was weeks early, had something wrong with his lungs and I was too young to understand how threatened his little life was. I was too in awe of his tiny face, his long curling hair, perfect fingers and toes. Perhaps it was my belief that he would be all right, but more likely it was his own determination that kept him breathing and alive. One week later, I brought my five-pound son home, and by three months he was just as big as any full-term baby.

I remember him on his first day of school. We had just moved to West Virginia the week before and suddenly he was walking away from me, waving for as long as he could see me, on the path to the school. Then he was seventeen, president of his high school FFA, presenting my husband and me with an honorary award at the annual banquet. What a surprise that was, and how we appreciated it.

And then he was gone, off to West Virginia University, the school of his dreams and goals, with a full scholarship. Two years passed and he brought home a beautiful petite blonde for us to meet, and a few years later we watched them walk down the aisle. More years, a grandson and granddaughter arrived. And now, he is a bank president and this weekend on his way to Guatemala for a church mission.

How time, and life, fly by. Surely it was just days ago that I greeted that new baby. Happy birthday, George, and safe journeys. Your mother is proud of you, and humbled by all you have accomplished. I can't wait to see what you do next.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. 'Like' . . . what a tribute to your son . . . and what an honor he does to you, his community and his Church. Happy Birthday to your eldest son.

  2. It's amazing how these tiny babies grow isn't it? You never forget those childhood days though. My eldest will be 40 next month which seems quite impossible to me - where have all those years gcne? A very Happy Birthday to George.

  3. Happy birthday George. It is amazing to see how quickly tiny babies grow and develop their own personalities. My eldest is only 7 but even now I can see how quickly they grow up. Trust George also enjoys his trip to Guatemala - how exciting!

  4. Happy Birthday George, what a blessing he must be to you, his family & so many more!

  5. The greatest blessing God sends us is our children. When we look back it seems it just went to fast. You have a son to be proud of and I know you are. Happy Birthday to him. Blessings' Lara

  6. He sounds like a wonderful son. Happy birthday to him!


  7. Thanks Mom! I love you and really appreciate the kind words! Actually I'm in Honduras, working hard but having a great time!



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