
Friday, April 5, 2013

Destination Procrastination, or Slogging through the Taxes

That's where I've been. I am suffering for my sinful ways this week. Resolved: record-keeping will be a priority this year.

I have been slogging through receipts and piles and piles of paper. It's so not right to be doing this when we are having our first decent weather this spring, but that's what I get for putting it off. I'm reaching the home stretch now, but a couple of questions have my sitting here waiting for someone to respond on the IRS chatline. Ah me.

As I've been working on last year's taxes I have also been putting this year's records in order. It should be a simple matter to enter the data into the spreadsheets now and keep up on a regular basis. I am not a math-minded person and as a leftie I am certainly in unfamiliar territory working on these forms. But I am getting there; the end, thank goodness is in sight.

I have been watching Larry outside in the garden, planting the onions, peas, lettuce, and carrots. And here I am, stuck inside. Yes, I am feeling sorry for myself. I did run down and see the baby chickens in their new home. They moved to the henhouse this morning and so far they seem to be settling in very well.

We took a break on Tuesday to restock both booths, and yesterday we went to a few yard sales. We found a few bargains but there are not many sales yet since it's been just too cold and wet. I expect to see the roadside blossom with signs next weekend, however, as the temperatures will be closer to the normal range for this time of year.

I wish I had something more exciting to report! Tomorrow will be a fun day as I'll be participating in the book-signing and reading event at Taylor Books in Charleston. We plan to look for some cabbage and broccoli plants too, to complete planting the spring gardens. And maybe by Sunday evening I will have finished these tax forms and be ready to breathe again.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. My husband keeps our receipts in a three ring binder with folders. It has been a good system for us. Good luck with your organization!

  2. But when you are done - you will feel such relief. I was wondering what being a leftie had to do with the bookkeeping problems. I'm a leftie and I owned a successful bookkeeping busines for 18 years. LOL

    Keep at it - you'll be done in no time.

  3. It's a chore I hate every year and I always put it off too long. I finally sent mine off this past week, again grateful for the software that guided me through it. Were it not for a series of commitments coming up, I probably would have procrastinated another week.

  4. JoAnn, however did you do it? Us lefties are generally thought to live in our right-brain-creative-music-arts world, not in the scientific-mathematic-concrete left brain. But there are always exceptions to the rule! And I admit, once I make the shift, I kinda like it.

  5. I think the greatest help to getting my files in order has been getting my workroom in order, Michelle. I now have workspace and desk space and I love it. I continue to work on reclaiming this room and making the eBay stuff fit into a specific space. It's not easy because it takes stock to be able to sell and make some needed income, but I need the peace of mind even more.

  6. I hear you, Jim. But I am resolved to not be in this place again. I dislike it enough to make the necessary changes, so I am looking forward to a simpler process next year.

  7. Sympathetic hugs! . . . and a prescription for walk-outside breaks for the good of your eyes and your body. Even five minutes every half hour will refresh and actually make the work easier to do . .. (left-over advice from teaching that study skills class lo those many years ago . . . )

  8. My husband's been doing the same. I'm glad that somehow tax prep turned out to be his department. All I have to do is enter our charitable donations, and he does everything else.



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