
Monday, April 15, 2013

Storytellers Blog Hop #3: Let's Meet the Tellers!

Time for the next Storytellers Blog Hop! This time, I invited tellers to share posts about who they are, where they are located and why they do what they do. Perhaps you will be surprised to find one of my storytelling friends living in your region and be able to attend one of their events, or simply read about what they've been doing and the kinds of performances they offer. I love it when I can introduce friends to friends, and that is what this blog hop is all about.

Most of you already know about me and what I do: I live on the western side of West Virginia, and I specialize in Appalachian stories and ballads, tell many ghost stories, and also offer programs of international stories and other topics.
I craft programs to meet particular needs and topics regularly, and tell to audiences of all ages. I also write, mainly short stories and poetry, and have been a columnist for Two Lane Livin' magazine for the past five years. I live in the country, grow most of what we eat, and have a large family of 12 siblings, 5 sons, 13 grandchildren and a great-granddaughter. I also sell antiques and vintage items at two antique malls, one in nearby Ravenswood, WV and one in Marietta, OH; and I sell on eBay too. My life since I retired from full-time employment has been busier than I would have believed possible, and I love every minute. My husband and I are adding a second log room to our home, using logs from an old cabin we tore down (before it fell down). We travel a lot in our state and meet the most interesting people--and often find the treasures we sell as well as treasured stories along the way.

So that's the "quick and dirty" about me. Now I hope we will have other storytellers link up and tell you about themselves and what they  do in their part of the world. Settle in and get ready to meet some surprising and gifted people.

Storytellers, now it's your turn! Link Up! Remember to provide a backlink to this page (

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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