
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Checking In, and the New Booth

Still here and jumping from one thing to another so fast you'd think I was an eel in a frying pan (my father, who was raised in New Orleans, always said eels jumped around in the pan when they were cooked). Many skillets in the fire, certainly, all of them cooking pretty hot right now.

Yesterday we finished, for the time being, the set-up of our new booth at the Athens (Ohio) Antique Mall. It's a lot of work to do the initial set-up, as those of you who do this know, and I will have a lot of tweaking to do in the next few weeks. We already expanded it, for one thing. I didn't like the way the owner has it laid out, realizing after renting my space that the view to it would be pretty well blocked. So I rented the space beside it so that the entrance will be very visible to anyone entering the mall.

Here are a few pics of yesterday's work:

I love this little dropleaf table, and the amethyst lamp it holds. 

View from entrance to the booth, right now. A lot of this will be blocked by tall shelves, which I am not happy about, so I rented the space to the right to open it up. The right side looks a little sparse right now because I've spread out my stuff into spaces not yet rented to make it look a little more full for opening day. As the space fill, I will be moving my things back into my rented area.

 I have two of these old church pews. They are both made of American Chestnut, a wood not available since 1930. I date these to the turn of the century although they could be older.

This old aqua cabinet with glass handles, and the white dresser with blue handles, came from the estate we bought last month. If only my house was a mansion I'd keep both! 

Two little tables also from the estate. I had planned to paint the one on the left, but then decided to let the buyer have that fun. The lamp had been converted to electricity but the burner was missing a prong that held the chimney in place, so I converted it back to kerosene.

Inside the cabinet.

 We used a baby crib rail on the wall as a hanger for mugs and little pitchers. We bent hooks out of wire and now have a very flexible space for hanging whatever we want. The washstand was from the estate too, as was the pink chair. It's really not crooked, just the camera is!

I had the steel shelf extra when I re-did my workroom, and it's perfect for our needs right now.

Here is the second space--a little sparse at the moment.

I saw a dealer at another mall hang hankies and scarves like this, and thought it was a great idea. I found little clothespins at a craft store in Virginia.

The view from the second booth into the first one. Nice and open. I hate a claustrophobic feeling.

That's it so fat. More pics later as we continue to develop this space.
Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I love the white dresser & blue cupboard as well. Those would be very hard to let go of.

  2. Cool stuff. I'm especially drawn to the church pews.



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