
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bone Tired

I wonder, where does that saying come from? It's how I feel tonight, weary to my bones. My own fault too. I was up at the crack-o-dawn yesterday, worked hard all day and then on eBay til 2 in the A.M. I can't blame anyone but myself.  eBay was offering free listings but they ended last night so I was doing my best to get as many things listed as possible to clear up the backlog in my workroom. And then, guess what? They've extended free listings! Aargh! I could have gone to bed at a reasonable time!

Live and learn. The upside is that I got a lot of things listed, right? And somehow managed to function today on less that 5 hours sleep. I will sleep like a baby tonight, no lie. But bone-tired--where did that saying come from? Fact is, I found nothing online that helped me understand the origins of this term, and yet I feel like I have an up-close, personal relationship with it far too often.

So, if you are so tired you feel weary to the core of your being, how do you express that? There are lots of phrases I can think if: dog tired, beat, plumb tuckered out, beat to a pulp...

What do you say? The oh-so-tired but inquisitive mind wants to know.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Dog tired is one I'd use most but bone weary is another familiar way of saying you are totally shattered - and I think that's what I'd actually say :)

  2. Yep, bone-tired. Describes the feeling to a T. (Now there's an expression I don't know the meaning of, and I use it often!)
    I'm trying to get organized to put a lot of stuff on eBay, but it's changed a lot since the last time I sold anything there, which was years ago. I need to knuckle down and figure out how to charge for S&H, especially. DOn;t expect to earn much, but don't want to end up actually losing money.

  3. I like these! Bushed, plumb wore out...lots of ways to say we're just exhausted!

  4. "Granny Sue's News and Reviews" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

  5. My husband and I are both tuckered out after a full day of chores. Or, I just say 'weary'. I'm weary. Which happens more often that it used to . .


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