
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Birthday Blessing

Jon means gift of God, and so he was, and so he still is through his daughters and his wife. This would have been his 43rd birthday. I remember the night he was born as if it was last week: the quick onset of labor at just about this time of the evening, the rush to the hospital, the confident doctor who assured me it would be hours and the same doctor rushing frantically back to deliver Jon at 9:31pm. My hospital roommate delivered her daughter just one minute earlier (same doctor) and we stayed up all night talking and wondering what baby was making all that noise in he nursery. As it turned out, it was mine. He was hungry and letting the world know he was not happy. Even though 3 weeks early, Jon came bursting into the world and continued to forge ahead throughout his life.

It ended too soon, and he is so deeply missed. But we were and are blessed to have had him with us, and the memories he left us are treasures that brighten the hard times. I know that many of his friends and all of his family are thinking about him today and wishing he was here to celebrate. He is here though, in our hearts and in our stories about him, and in the legacy he left us: his five beautiful girls and his wife who is a cherished part of our family.

He was a gift, indeed. Happy birthday, Jon.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Its so sad when one so young is taken from us. What a blessing his daughters must be to you, and through them knowing that his life meant something important in this world. Hugs.

  2. He was a gift to you all and his memory is vivid. I remember mourning with you when you lost him.

    Best of love,


  3. Jai, so many of my readers have been with me on this hard journey. It's a comfort to know you are there, and that you care. Thank you.

  4. Jon left us a lot, Pat--his enthusiasm for life, his positive attitude and determination, and the memory of his giant bear hugs. We miss those, but we have a lot to keep us going.

  5. What a fine-looking son. And you are a strong and loving woman who knows how to keep life beautiful, even when the worst troubles come your way.


  6. I've posted about 3 different nights on this . . . 3 different posts, then deleted them for how do you say goodbye to a son or a daughter. I can't imagine. Well, maybe I can. Your heart must pound out of your chest at times. Your mind melts down. You think you will wake up from a bad dream. Your belly churns and turns over threatening to spill. Your arms have the imprint of the last embrace . . . and, with the Grace of God, you will be reunited one day. I believe.


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