
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fall Decor, Natural-Style

We grew our own fall decorations this year, for the most part. I wanted my own pumpkins again--it just galls me to have to pay $4 and up for a pumpkin! So we planted a few, and also planted butternut squash and birdhouse gourds.

It was a good year for my gourds and pumpkins, and I have plenty to decorate with. The corn shock is also our corn, and the hay is from my son's field. The mums are store-bought--and why is it that I don't mind paying $4 for a pot of mums, but balk at the same price for a pumpkin? I have no idea. The mums will go in the ground when their bloom is finished, and perhaps a few will make it to next year.

I added the old bike because we'd had it in our booth. We put it in there too late for the summer yard decor people usually like to use old bikes for, so we brought it home and used it for our own purposes. I think I might decorate it for Christmas too--I can see it with a basket of greens and some red ribbons, can't you?

Up the porch steps,

it's the march of the pumpkins! and gourds, and squash :)

We have LOTS of gourds; what to do with so many? Any ideas besides making birdhouses and rattles?

The butternut squash are easier; they'll be part of dinner, and maybe part of pies too. I like them best with butter and cinnamon sugar, or with butter and honey, or mashed liked mashed potatoes...lots of uses!

I bought quite a few mums, more than usual. They were so pretty this year I couldn't resist. I hope they will survive winter and come back for me next year. My luck with them is only so-so given the way winters are here--freeze, thaw, freeze, thaw so the poor things hardly know if they are coming or going.

I have a tote full of fall decorations up in the building but haven't had them out in years. This year, I don't really think I need them but if time allows we might get them out anyway. Soon leaves will fall and add their own touch to whatever arrangements we make, another touch straight from Mother Nature.

Have you done any decorating for Fall yet?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I also bought mums, paid $2.00 for the small plants, put them in a pot and they too are marching to my front door. I love mums, but I don't have a lot of luck with them. Haven't given any thought to pumpkins yet, but I would like to have one on my porch for the little kids for Halloween. Other than that? Nope, your house wins the fall decoration prize.

  2. I haven't done much fall decorating because I'm so busy getting ready for my son's October wedding. But I am ready to do my fall planting. I always plant pots of pansies & violas every fall. Even with snow & ice on them in the winter, as soon as it gets a little warm they perk back up & bloom like crazy. I have an old bike with baskets that I always plant with these - it's a very cheerful site in late winter.


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