
Saturday, October 26, 2013

England: Some Photos of Here and There

I found that I still had photos not yet posted, so here are a few more:

I thought these were in Holland? I learned from my cousins that windmilles like this were used when the fens were drained. The fens were a large swampy area in East Anglia that were pretty much useless for agriculture until drained. The soil, once dried, proved extremely fertile, but eroded away over the years so now quite often the level of the fields is actually well below the roads and hedges. This mill at Madingley was once a grain mill but no longer in use. This is not the original mill on the site, either--this one was moved from Huntingdonshire in 1936 after the loss of the original mill in 1909.

During our visit to the American cemetery, an English robin obligingly posed for me. Much smaller than its American namesake, this little bird is really a charmer, don't you think?

A view of King's College Chapel in Cambridge. 

Nothing spectacular, really about this photo, except...see that statue up near the peak of the building? Larry looked up at it and said, "Don't jump!" He can be so random. I enjoyed seeing all the various turrets and chimney pots in Cambridge.

Saint Botolph's Church in Cambridge is has the oldest rood screen in the city, and the church itself dates to around 1350.  Orbs all around it; I'm not a believer in orbs, but they do seem to appear frequently photos taken in and around very old buildings. Dust, perhaps?

In Ely, this low row of buildings in the right foreground were where the monks lived when the monestary established by Saint Ethelreda was in existence. The buildings are still in use today--and these were built in the 800's!

In Swaffham, a worker enjoys the view from the second floor renovations of a building in the town's center.

On the way to Hunstanton, we stopped at the ruins of Castle Acre and its priory.


What good memories come back as I look at these photos again.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I so enjoyed all the photos and thoughts about your travels. A treat.

  2. Your robin photo would make a good Christmas card. Larry would enjoy Alnwick Castle up in Northumberland; it has statues all around the battlements!

  3. I love that windmill and I agree that bird photograph should be a Christmas card!


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