
Friday, November 1, 2013

On the Road to Kentucky!

It's been a busy week for storytelling, and it's going to end with a fine time at the Kentucky Storytelling Conference at Greenbo State Park. I'll be traveling with my good friend Jo Ann who is also a West Virginia storyteller, and I am looking forward to the road time and talk time.

I'll be presenting two workshops this weekend; one is on finding, researching and telling ghost stories, and the other is geared for beginning tellers and teaching them how to learn stories for re-telling.

This week has already brought me two school performances, both in rural West Virginia schools. Middle school students at Richwood Elementary were great listeners, and at Reedy Elementary I found a 4th grader who made an excellent tandem teller with me as we shared the story of the Big Hairy Toe. Fun!

I was hopping yesterday, starting the day by taking Larry to get his truck out of the shop, then driving straight to the school for my performance. Larry went to Parkersburg to pick up a cabinet we bought last week; I finished up at the school around noon, and then made tracks for the Ravenswood antique mall to rearrange the booth for the cabinet Larry had already dropped off. When I finished there, I browsed around a resale store, then went to the bank, the post office, and finally the library to make copies of handouts for my presentations.

I came home to clean house, do laundry, pack and then get ready for trick-or-treat. We had a few who braved the light rain and the dark, and during the (many) quiet spells I packed up some items that had sold on eBay. And then, it was time to sit back and relax a bit before bedtime. So while I'll be busy at the conference I think it might actually be restful compared to yesterday!

I hope all of you have a wonderful All Saints and All Souls Days, and I will catch up on my posts when I get home. See you then! (and Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit!)

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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