
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Disappointment Comes in White

I was so excited about today. We had planned a get-together with some friends here at our house so that Jeff and I could do a dress rehearsal for our upcoming Here We Come A-Caroling programs next weekend. Larry and I got busy as soon as we got home from Miami, putting up lights and cleaning house. I baked, he got in firewood, and we laid in a supply of goodies. I was looking forward to finally meeting Connie of WV Fur and Root blog, to seeing my friend Susan whom I met through her blog Stony River while she was still living in Ireland, and to seeing the fine poet Sherrell of Sherrell's Poetry Pages and other good friends and neighbors.

But this is December, and the weather has plans of its own that it doesn't even tell the weatherman. We woke to a steady fall of snow; it built up to a virtual whiteout and by 11:00am with almost 5 inches on the ground I knew I had to cancel. The snow finally ended with 6 inches, and now it is sleeting, with rain to follow. What a sloppy mess we're in for. There was no way I could expect people to travel 4 miles up our one-lane and probably unplowed road to get to our slippery 1/4 mile driveway and slide down to the house.

So, here we are, all dressed up and no place to go, to quote my father. I'm disappointed even though I know it was the right decision. We'll try to reschedule; Larry and I can't possibly eat all these cookies! And I still want to enjoy the company of friends, singing and laughing and enjoying the season. I prefer everyone to be safe first, though.

Today's plans have shifted; Larry is shoveling walks and cleaning off the vehicles. I am making beef stew and both of us plan to relax and enjoy the day listening to public radio and looking at the beautiful snow. Joy comes in many ways; today ours is an unexpectedly laid-back day. I'd have preferred a full house and lots of noise, but I'll take the quiet white. And look forward to another time for friends and fun.
Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We're snowed in here in northwest AR as well. It's our third day in & I doubt I'll get out again before Tuesday, if then. I have a Christmas party Tuesday night. The temps are in the low teens at night so I may skip it, the roads won't be clear by then with the temps not getting above freezing during the day.

    So disappointing, I missed a party last night with my son & daughter-in-law, a house tour I was really looking forward to last Friday, my last of the yr. Bible study group on Thursday & church today. Thankfully I had not cooked ahead much for our party so most of the ingredients can be stored until we can hopefully reschedule as well.

  2. That's too bad, Sue. I once played in the darts team for a local pub and our opponents called the match off because of snow. The identity of our opponents? None other than The British Antarctic Survey who have their headquarters in Cambridge!

  3. Jenny, it sounds like you had to miss a lot of good outings. That's December, though--and it's not to be trusted when it comes to weather! Last week it was in the 70's and we were raking leaves and sweating; today it's cold,snow, sleet, and rain to come. No sense in her at all!

  4. That's too funny, John! The British antarctic Society--that sounds interesting. And certainly like they could handle a little snow and ice.

  5. we are floating in water and mostly mud here, 100% chance of rain & heavy rain, 80% the next 2 days. I don't have to check the weatherman, I just look up where the rain is coming in my ceiling! no fun at all.

  6. I wimped out for far less snow than that. Discretion is the better part of valor, and there will be other days that are safer for our planned events. Cyber-hugs to you until the day we can make them real. (((Sue))) (((Larry)))

  7. We have had ice and a lot of rain. We are thawing out today in central KY. Not fun!

  8. Not great here either. Tonight we are due more ice. Yay. Lots of schools having late starts.
    Your place looks so lovely and restful. Plus you have the personality that seems to match the life you have created. I'm hoping I get to come see you even for one night. Hugs, B

  9. Shoot! But knowing you, I'm sure you'll find something else to entertain yourself. I have a feeling you are very good at making the best of things…



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