
Friday, January 3, 2014

Inside Looking Out

It was a chilly eight degrees this morning with about 3-4 inches of new snow coating the waking-up world. Yesterday I posted some photos of outside looking in, so today I thought I'd share some inside looking out photos:

I hope everyone is inside, enjoying the warmth and comfort of a fire and maybe a few furry friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. What lovely pictures, hope you aren't being affected by the major snowstorm we are hearing about.

  2. "It's so nice to have a house around a man."

  3. That's cute . . . 'it's so nice to have a house around a man" . . . I'm going to use that. My husband (retired) does so much while I still march off to work every day. I do this too. I take pictures of the outside through the window. Sometimes I go outside and photos of the inside through the windows. Your photos and vignettes are lovely.


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