
Friday, January 17, 2014

Small Comforts: A List in No Particular Order

I was folding laundry this morning and came upon one of my favorite nightgowns: soft flannel, faded to the point that the pink roses are barely visible. "I love flannel nightgowns," I thought.

Which got me to thinking, what other small creature comforts really, well, comfort me? Here's some of what I came up with:

1. French Vanilla coffee--make that with cream and no sugar please!

2. Soft worn jeans--the ones that slide on and into place instantly, like they remember me.

3. Bright red homemade berry jam in one of those little quilted crystal canning jars.

Taken May 3, 2008 in my kitchen. I can't wait for the violets to bloom again.
4. Fresh flowers in the house, at any time of year.

5. A bowl of fruit.

6. A flickering fire to greet me when I come home. A flickering fire at any time really.

7. A made-up bed. First thing we do every morning, and it gives me pleasure to see it all day. Why? I can't say, but maybe it's that taking-care-of-things feeling it gives?

8. Flannel gowns. Talk about feeling wrapped in comfort.

9. The smell of toast in the morning.

10. Music, especially live music being played at my house by a friend.

That's my list, at least my list for today. There are so many little things that make life beautiful. What are some of yours?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Great list, I love flannel nighties too and crunchy muffins with butter and homemade blackberry jam, mmm!

  2. I like your list. Some things on mine would be a freshly made bed to curl up in with a good book. Needle and thread...any will do..just got to have something to create within my hands. Lots more but I won't bore you.

  3. Well worn-in boots. Cups of tea. Children laughing. An old armchair. I could go on but I'm off to make another cuppa.

  4. Sue, you sure make me think . . .

    baby's cheek on mine

    30-yr old wool sweater when I'm chilled - it won't wear out. Really it might be closer to 50.

    wood fire in the fire place or outside fire pit

    hand written notes and 'play' from my grandchildren found around the house

    Depression era kitchen tools and utility dishes

    home made wood furniture, foot stools, boxes and shelves

  5. I love all of these, too, and if the nightgown is Lanz, so much the better….



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