
Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Red Chair, and a Thank You

You remember the red chair, the one I was having trouble deciding on seat covering for? I tried many fabrics after asking your advice--black and white, oriental, some with bits of purple in them--but nothing seemed right, so I kept looking.

Then my friend Sandy sent me a message: "I have exactly the fabric you need!" We met for breakfast last week (what a good excuse to get together!) and she showed me her fabric. I was surprised, I admit--it wasn't like anything I had in mind. But the more I looked at it, the more I liked it. So I took it home and tried it out.

It looked fine--creamy white with a large print in greens, reds, oranges, browns and golds. It was dramatic and bold.

There were two problems, though: when I put it on the chair, the red wasn't quite right, and there wasn't enough of the fabric to cover all of the seat. But now I had a better idea of what colors I needed to look for, and I found them in this fabric:

And then I put it on my chair:

I. Love. It. And I would never have looked at this fabric without Sandy's colors suggestion.

Chocolate-y brown with lighter undertones, cream, green browns and red. It will be at home in a wide variety of decorating styles.

Thanks to all of you for your input and thoughtful comments. Any one of them might have worked just as well, but this is the one that said "YES!" to me.

Now, on to the next chair, and one that will be a lot easier to complete. I think.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. OH yeah! Isn't it fine when something is Just Right? I've got an old platform rocker that I had cushions recovered for years ago, and even though that chair takes up way too much room in my parlor, I can't bear to let it go because that fabric looks EXACTLY the way I hoped it would.

  2. I LOVE it! I wish I could shop your booths - I'm looking for something like this for a desk chair.

  3. Great job Susanna.
    Love the red chair.

  4. That's definitely the right print. I think it looks greats.

  5. So cool to find just what you wanted, it looks great.

  6. Perfect, would never have thought of those colors.


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