
Friday, March 7, 2014

Timpanagos, Here I Come!

Time is getting short now. I'll be in Utah this time next week, basking in the glow after completing my first workshop for the Timpanagos Storytelling Conference, meeting and greeting storytelling friends and enjoying great stories in the beautiful American West.

I have been looking forward to this for months. Actually for years, because I have wanted to attend Timpanagos since it began. This past year I got up my gumption and submitted a couple workshop proposals, and Lordy be, they were accepted! So I will be talking about finding and telling ghost stories and teaching people how to blog. Talk about two diverse topics. That must be my Gemini twins coming out to play (although I'm on the cusp with Cancer so if I like the way things are going for Cancer better, then I'll claim the crab).

Before leaving I have other storytelling to do: today I was at the University of Charleston, talking about stories and Appalachian culture. Monday I will be at a local elementary school to tell stories from world cultures and do a workshop with parents on telling stories with their children. The fascinating thing about storytelling is the wide range of stories and the many methods of presenting them.

And then for two glorious days I will be getting my mind in line for Utah. Excited? You know it!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Wonderful!
    So happy for you!

  2. really happy for you!
    hope you have a great trip!

  3. I should have thought that bloggers and ghosts had much in common - they both exist in the ether and are only glimpsed briefly and quite often at night, to judge by the odd times that comments appear; they are seen by some and ignored by others; you never really know if their stories are true but there are certainly a lot of good stories to be found if you investigate.

  4. How exciting, I know you'll do well.

  5. Have a wonderful time! I enjoyed my trip to Utah, and all the friendly, wonderful storytellers there. <3

  6. How lovely to have the opportunity to do something you've been wanting to do for a long time! I'm sure your workshops will be a great success, and a lot of fun to boot! Have a wonderful trip :)

  7. Blogging is but another form of storytelling, but writ down. Hope you have a wonderful time, Susanna, that your workshops are rousing successes (no doubt there!) and that you come back invigorated by all you have seen and heard and learned (no doubt there, either!)

    Are they going to be recording the storytelling and making the CDs available to the general public?--Mario R.

  8. This is wonderful. I hope you have a great time, and can hardly wait to read about you trip.

  9. Congratulations! How exciting for you - I know you'll do very well & have such a great time.

    If you ever have the opportunity to do storytelling in north west Arkansas or south west Missouri I do hope you'll take it - I would love to come hear you in person. The Ozarks are very similar to the Appalachians & you would fit in so well here.

  10. offers theologically and philosophically informed ruminations on everything between summit to shore, especially kayaking, sailing, backpacking, climbing, religion, spirituality, philosophy, theology, politics, culture, and travel. I started to blog as a way of learning about blogging and bridging the gap between my generation, a 50 something, and digital natives. Now I blog as an outlet for my creativity. I write a regular column at least once a week and sometimes post an additional one or two times a week. I have made connections and friends through the blog.


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