
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Four-Layered Day

Some days are all about multi-tasking, and this is going to be one of them. I was up before 6am to work in my flowerbeds since the forecast is for 90 degrees today. Ugh. I have to admit I was up a bit late, just looking at the beautiful moon. Wasn't it a stunner?

As a reward for being an early riser, I was treated to a veritable symphony of birdsong:

I have a lot to do today, all requiring different hats. First was my flower gardens. Aside from putting down the mulch and a tiny bit of weeding, I've done nothing in them this Spring. Can you believe that? I've been so busy with other things, and the weather stayed cold for so long, that the gardening urge never struck. They were doing quite well on their own, anyway, a benefit of having lots of perennials and bulbs and of years of mulching. I spent 4 hours outside and I can see a lot of progress. A few more rounds like that and I'll be done.

I need to get to a greenhouse and buy plants too--I lost all the lavender, my rosemary and my Peace rose, which breaks my heart since Tommy and Larry gave it to me for Mother's Day about 12 years ago. Ah well, all good things must end. I'll be on the lookout for a good replacement.

Here's a few photos of the gardens at the moment. Lots of work still to do.
Pulling up the daffodil leaves, along with lots of weeds. A lot of work but it's gotta be done.

The rest of today looks like this: send out contracts and invoices for this summer's programs, then to the Ravenswood booth to do a little tidying up and on to the Spencer booth to add more because even with 4 good loads it's still not full. Then I need to get back to town to get groceries. When I get home, I hope we'll have time for the firepit, and to maybe cook those six bass Larry caught last night. Fish, asparagus, and a salad sounds like a good dinner to me.

So that's my day ahead. I hope everyone has a good one, even in this heat. What's on your agenda today?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. School, chicken care, supper, walking the farm, and enjoying the weather before the storms head in for the night.


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