
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Comings and Goings of a Month

This month is one of celebrations, company and cutting.

Celebrations: two nephews graduated from college with Masters' degrees in their respective fields; one granddaughter graduated from college, three family members including two grandchildren are graduating from high school, and a young neighbor was married over the weekend. We missed the wedding because we were at my family reunion.

We'll also be celebrating the life of my late uncle, a man whose smile lit up a sunshiny day, and who was always (don't tell anyone) my favorite of my father's brothers--probably because we knew there would be singing and laughter when he came to visit. There will be tears, but also smiles and many memories shared for this good, gentle man.

And company! We were the company early in the month, spending a few days with Tipper and then enjoying a cookout with the Migration Celebration staff at the Three Rivers Avian Center. We'll be having visitors ourselves later this week when my oldest son and family come for granddaughter Haley's graduation, and my brother Tom will be stopping by too. Next week we'll be the visitors ourselves, attending grandson Clayton's graduation. And the week after that we'll have a couple grandchildren for a weekend.

What do you think I meant by "cutting"? If you thought grass, you're right. It's never-ending, isn't it? Larry does his best but with so much going on (not even talking about the booths, gardens, and other projects!) that he's had all he can do to keep up. It will be a good hay year, I think, and I know that will make the farmers and the cattle happy. Some places had frost this week--which prompted a friend to note the old wives' tale that a freeze on February 19 means a frost on May 19.

So, did it frost where you are? Several neighbors reported it, but said it did no harm. Thank goodness.

Back to the gardens I go--I am almost finished planting herbs and flowers (very late this year, so odd the weather has been) and hope to get it done before it rains. Wish me luck!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You live a rich life, and I always love reading about it.


  2. Sounds like you're a very busy woman. The same thing is going on here. Funerals, graduations, weddings. Congrats to all of your folks and you and so sorry to hear about your uncle. Happy Memorial Day!!


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