
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy Birthday, Les!

This is my cousin Les' birthday! It's easy for me to remember because it's the day after mine. So, Happy Birthday, Les!

Les was the best of hosts when we visited England last fall. He housed us, showed us the best pubs, drove us all over the place and best of all, was such fun to talk with. I swear we talked non-stop and never ran out of things to say. Leaving him when it was time to come home was as hard to do as leaving a sibling.

I had hoped to get back to England this year but a leaky roof and skyrocketing airfare have made it not possible. Maybe next year--I am planning on that.

Have a great day, Cousin. We miss you and your smiles. Hope you and your mates have a fine time celebrating your day. Give your Mum a hug for me.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Sue, hope your cousin had a good birthday but first, hope you did too! We have a good many June birthdays (more in August!)so it is a busy time. Happy Birthday . . . and many more : )


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