
Friday, August 29, 2014

A Random Act of Kindness

So, there was this teapot.

My friend Danny, who sells all kinds of interesting things via Facebook, had a teapot I loved. I mostly buy from him for resale, but this particular teapot was going to find a home in my kitchen. As soon as I saw it on Danny's site, I commented that I wanted it. And that usually is enough for him to hold it for me, because the rule is that the first to comment gets the item. I was first, and I scored. I was happy!

And then inexplicably my comment was gone. When I looked again another lady who also buys a lot from Danny had asked for the teapot. What! I couldn't believe it. But then I remembered that it had happened before. The internet is a tricky and unreliable place at times, and my comments had disappeared before when I posted on something I wanted to buy.

Ah, me. I let Danny know what happened, complained to my hubby about it, and then forgot about it. Stuff happens and there's no use crying over spilled milk, right? But I sure liked that teapot.

Yesterday I got a message from the Riverbend Antique Mall that someone had left a package there for me. Who was it from, I asked? No idea, they said. It was left as a "random act of kindness."

Really! Now I was curious. I like to do those things myself from time to time, but when it's done to me, it's surprising in a good way. So today I headed to the mall to do a little restocking and to pick up my mystery gift.

Well, you know what it was. It was the teapot I had wanted, beautifully wrapped and bagged.

There are good people out there. Small things do make a difference. I learned something else too. I learned that I need to just let things go more easily, and not stress over small stuff like a teapot.

But tomorrow morning I will be making my breakfast tea in my new teapot, and every time I see it I will smile and remember the lady who gave me both a gift and a lesson.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. enjoy!
    so glad someone did this for you!

  2. Love this. What a sweet lady she must be.


  3. How wonderful! It is a very pretty tea pot. :-)

  4. What a kind and warm thought that is contained within that tea pot. It makes me feel warm about Danny as I know it does you. I do not even know him but I am sure I would like him! -- barbara


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