
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Rose Valley Storytelling House Concert Coming Up!

I am really looking forward to this. Hosted by my friend, storyteller Megan Hicks at her unique home in beautiful Rose Valley, Media, PA ( near Philadelphia).

Megan's description of the evening:

Saturday, September 6, 7:30-ish p.m, in Media, PA 

Bridging the Great Divide between The Big Apple and The Mountain State

Tommy Pryor —
Author, blogger, storyteller and host of the monthly storytelling event, Yorkville: Stoops to Nuts (at the Cornelia Street Cafe) will be revving up for the October release of his new book, “I Hate the Dallas Cowboys.” Tommy grew up on the Upper East Side. He makes it sound like the most magical place in the world for a kid to spend his childhood.

Storyteller Granny Sue —
Author, blogger, storyteller, gardener, second-hand dealer and balladeer Susanna Holstein is coming down from the mountains to spend the evening with us. Don’t let that downhome accent fool you. She may look harmless, but Granny Sue packs a wallop.

Grownups and older teens are cordially invited. As long as you’re coming, bring a friend or two. We suggest a donation of $15 at the door, every bit of which goes to the artists. 

Complimentary snacks and beverages are provided. Such a deal!

There’s parking available. More info: call 540.371-6775 or email

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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