
Friday, August 8, 2014


One of the many things I love about Augusta is the singing. It is everywhere--from gospel and spirituals to ballads, doowop, Bulgarian songs, old-time and everything around and in between.

This week Augusta is offering 3 different groups of classes--old-time, American Vernacular dance, and vocal week. My storytelling class is part of old-time week so we're surrounded by singers and musicians and dancers. Last night was one of incredible singing, as the vocal week students offered their student showcase. We were treated to a wide range of styles by the gifted students and I left feeling uplifted and peaceful, with a smile on my face.

Then people began gathering in a round, beautiful stairwell that has great acoustics. The songs were all "doowop" songs, mostly from the era of my childhood and teenage years. How is it that we can remember the words to songs we haven't heard in years? Goin' to the Chapel, My Boyfriend's Back, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, The Book of Love, and so many more resounded from the walls of the stairwell as the vocal week students did their beautiful harmonies and the rest of us sang along. Have a listen:

You know, almost everyone enjoys singing, and singing in a group is even more fun. I have heard so many people say that they can't sing, and yet really we all can sing--it's just an extension of talking, laughing, shouting, isn't it? Singing just requires doing it, and then doing it over and over until you get it right.

Think I'll go find someone to sing with.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I just have to leave a silly comment today, because when I saw the title, I thought it said SLING and I was concerned you had injured your arm! So glad to find you with both arms intact, and singing up a happy storm :)

  2. Looks like you're having a wonderful time. I follow Augusta on Instagram and it always looks like fun. I confess I could never go, though. Spend my
    time in Elkins indoors? No ma'am, couldn't do it-well maybe in January...

  3. A surprising amount of time is actually outside, if you choose. You can eat outside, practice outside, dance outside, listen to the music outside...there are plenty of indoor events of course, and most classes are inside, but mostly those are in the mornings and you're free to choose what you want to do in the afternoons. There's a nature trail here, and we do a lot of walking from one place to another, up and down shady streets and paths.

  4. What fun! I love to sing, too. Especially doo-wop songs.



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