
Sunday, November 23, 2014

So Quiet for So Long

I've been anything but quiet, really--this has been a whirlwind month of storytelling, storytelling workshops, booth work, painting, and company. I'll have much to tell you in the next few days as I try to catch up.

Tonight it's the night before deer season, so the whole county is a-bustle with activity: men in camouflage sighting in their guns, stores filled with hunters and trucks loaded with camping supplies. At my house my husband is ready to go out tomorrow with my oldest son and his son, hoping for a deer or two to put in the freezer. Venison supplies a goodly portion of the meat we eat so I hope the hunt is successful, even though I must admit my innards cringe at the thought of the deer. But this is the way of this world in which we live, and for us it's economics, not sport.

The night is rainy and very dark; no moon lights up the raindrops and the wet leaves. The fires are warm, the music is playing on the radio, and I am in my flannel gown and glad to be home once again after one more storytelling trip. It is good to snuggle in to the comfort of home, and I am looking forward to a few days of home things as we prepare for Thanksgiving and more company. It is a good time of year, and a good life, and I am grateful and thankful for the blessings I enjoy, even as this time of year is tinged with the sadness of remembrance. Still, the generosity of land, the love of family and friends, and the sweetness of memories are more than enough to brighten my spirits.

More soon on all that has transpired in the last 2 or 3 weeks. Some commonplace, some absolutely astounding and wonderful things have filled my hours and I cannot wait to share.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the upcoming posts! No place like home. I have heard the guns firing for weeks now, the men love their guns. My husband has not been hunting yet, it has not worked out. But still he hopes, while the season rolls on. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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