
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Coming Along: Two Projects

 Larry and I have had our hands in all sorts of pies this past week, trying to get some new things ready for our booths. Here's two we've been working on.

This one is my project. It was a mid-century dresser with wood veneer that had seen better days. Paint seemed to be the best choice to give it some new life.

First I painted it all white because white is a proven seller. But my heart kept saying, "No, paint it with General Finishes Persian Blue...and add some bling!" So I listened to my heart instead of my head.

Here I am applying the glaze that gives a piece that "old" look. I've wiped most of the left side and just applied the glaze to the right. You put it on, then wipe most of it off! Makes no sense, does it--but it works.

I used a gold glaze (Valspar) to add the bling to the carvings and trim.

This photo is pre-antiquing glaze. I mix my own color, using clear glaze and a little dark stain to get the shade I want. I also use paint as a coloring agent in the glaze sometimes.

Here's Larry's big project this week:

This flatwall kitchen cabinet was in poor shape. We bought it from a dealer who was using it only for display. One glass was broken out, and the whole thing was spray painted turquoise--it was all over the remaining glass too. One leg was broken off and the drawers needed repair. When I started sanding it and saw the white coming through I knew I needed to leave this baby with a primitive look. Larry finished out the sanding, bought replacement glass, fixed the leg and the drawers and now it's just about ready for the booth. I really like the way it looks, not my usual style but often, like the dresser above, the piece dictates the final result.

I have more to show in my next post, other pieces we've been working on, but I haven't taken those photos yet, so stay tuned.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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