
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Another Bright and Beautiful Day

What a difference a few hours of good sleep makes! I was exhausted last night but this morning I was awake early and ready for what's next.

Larry is still sleeping and he can hang in there as long as he wants today. He's worked hard the past week and deserves the rest. I took my tea to the porch, along with our local monthly newspaper. I enjoy this paper because it focuses on what is best and positive in our county--no pics or drug busts, wife beaters, etc, just the things that make this a good place to live. While I know there is plenty of "hard" news out there, I prefer to spend my time reading about people who are shaking things up, and the history articles submitted by Mike Ruben. Makes a fine morning read.

 So, here are a few photos of recent booth work. I realized when I downloaded my photos that I didn't take very many at all--only a few of the Ravenswood booth.

This table and 2 chairs has been in progress for a while. I am happy with the way they came out. I found a bit of blue toile fabric at a thrift store and it was perfect for these chairs. I think it makes a nice breakfast set.

The black hutch was my second major finished project this week. I'm pretty happy with how it came out. And I have my kitchen back! This thing was taking up a lot of space, but I'm painting a dresser in the log room, my usual work area, so I was in the kitchen with this one.

I've had this green chair for a year, and finally got the fabric put on it. It's kinda cool-it folds up.

The dresser moved from Spencer to Ravenswood. We completed the move-out from Spencer on Thursday. It's an amazing lot of work to dismantle a booth, and then to figure out what to do with all the stuff.

This booth seems to be taking on a "shabby" look. Not intentional, but that apparently is the direction I'm going. Sales have been very good so far. I have two separate space in this mall; one is two booths, the other a single. I've been considering making the single more of a primitive focus, but it will take some time to make the shift.

That's all for today. I'm getting ready to make some waffles with strawberries for breakfast, and some good coffee to enjoy on the deck on this beautiful morning. Join me!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You have been busy, enjoy your Sunday.

  2. Wish I COULD join you...waffles are a rare treat!
    Must be a good feeling to get so much accomplished. Enjoy your paper - I'd probably read a paper once in a while if I could count on good news and interesting reading :)


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