
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

That Kind of Day

Some days start with a plan that changes before the day even starts.

I expected to get up and get outside to plant a few flowers and other things waiting to go in the ground. But.

The dishes were still in the drainer,washed yesterday evening but not put away. Step one, take care of that.

The dryer was still full of dried laundry, also a leftover chore from yesterday. Step 2, sort and fold while the water heats for the morning's tea and coffee.

A couple small mirrors were on top of the washer, the frames painted just before I went to bed. I picked up sandpaper and gave them both a quick distressing job. The washer is one of my makeshift work areas and it shows; lots of paint drops dot the lid. I cannot wait to get into the workroom with this stuff. For now, I give the washer a cleanup from time to time to keep it from getting too bad.

I was picking up and putting away when Larry decided to get up. He'd wanted to sleep in a bit, but he was too sore from his work on his truck yesterday to rest. He's got starter problems, so he was on his back on the ground most of the afternoon and evening. Dirty, you bet. And worn out. And not finished.

We took out tea and coffee outside and brought the dogs up on the porch for a morning petting. That, unfortunately, triggered my asthma/allergies so I dashed inside for meds. I've been doing so well, too. Ah well. Love my dogs, so I'll take the meds.

While back inside I got sidetracked to my kitchen desk. A lot of backed up paperwork, bills to pay were stacked up there, so I started sorting while Larry took care of feeding critters. When he came in I made oatmeal with fresh strawberries, then went back to work on the paperwork. I was still in my nightgown when I went back to my computer to look something up and noticed that the washer was empty--but there was a paint can lid lying on top of it. Uh-oh, that meant I'd left a can of paint open somewhere last night. Which meant there was a paintbrush not cleaned too. A quick look around located the can and brush on the porch where I'd been painting a small cabinet yesterday. Thankfully I was able to save my brush after a good bit of cleaning. (I like these little brushes by Wooster called Shortcut--flexible short handles and excellent coverage.) Lidded the paint and put it away, hoping it's not ruined.

And that made me remember that I needed to touch up one area on a chalkboard table I painted yesterday; out came the teal paint to take care of that little job. Larry came in to ask about putting the new hooks on the coat tree I'd painted yesterday so we stopped to talk about that. I looked at the dresser I'm working on but didn't give in to the temptation to get to work on it. I went back to the paperwork--after loading the washer with throw rugs.

Now here it is, a little after 11:00 am. I am almost finished with paperwork and I think it's time for another cup of coffee. With temperatures expected to reach the high 80's today, my plants are not going to get planted. So maybe I'll just paint...or sort more of the totes we brought home from the booths...or...

It's going to be that kind of day.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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