
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Fun of the Find: From First Communion Dress to Boscul to Art Prints and All the Glass in Between

I haven't been out to do much looking for new stock for our booths but we've still managed to come upon a few good things. Sometimes you get lucky and they come to you!

Here's some of what I've found lately:

Anchor Hocking made this style of drinkware, called Boopie, mid-century. Often found in clear, they also were made in ruby, green and amber.  In front is a nice heavy pastry roller which will probably stay right in my kitchen.

A table-full of glass stuff. Honestly, I do buy other things but glass draws me like a moth to flame. At the back of the table is a castor set which I bought missing some stoppers. I buy odd stoppers so it was no problem to complete the set.

I loved these stems. I have not yet identified who made them, but they're stunning, and are my new favorite wineglasses. Not going to a booth, these pretties!

I was tickled to find these 4 Hazel Atlas Crinoline plates for only $3.00. These are hard to find and will bring a nice price on eBay.

Two grape goblets by Imperial are also keepers--for two reasons. First I just like them very much, and second, they'd probably take a long time to sell. I don't mind at all; I'm thinking these are are daily water glasses.

I am still wondering why I bought the huge old sugar bowl. Well, it's old, probably over 100 years old since it is beginning to turn slightly purple, a sign of manganese in its manufacture--a practice discontinued in 1914. And it's in perfect condition otherwise, not a chip or crack. And it was only 50 cents. So here it is and I am still trying to figure out what to do with it. Behind it is a Porcelier teapot, a Fire-King mug and two frosted glass lamp chimneys. I buy lamp chimneys anytime I can find them for a dollar or less because we often find lamps that need them.

A lovely frame with intact glass came home with me yesterday.

along with two vintage mugs (one with a built-in teabag holder) and two covered Pyrex oblong casserole dishes. These last aren't old but they're keepers in my own kitchen.

I found these two lamps today, and the old perfume bottle a few weeks ago.

Snack trays, anyone? I picked up 8 sets complete with cups for only $1.00. These take a long time to sell, but I could not resist that bargain.

Two more lamps--I am lamp-poor but at a dollar each I figured I could add these to my collection.

I loved this vintage child's dress. To me, it looks like a First Communion dress. It will go to our Riverbend booth where I do sell a few vintage clothing items.

Next are probably my best recent finds: first is this Japanese woodblock print by the artist Hiroshi Yoshida. This is a well-known piece titled Seta Bridge. It is signed by the artist, and has some symbols to the left of the print that verify that it was printed during his lifetime. I believe it is in its original frame. It didn't look like much at first glance, but I was drawn to its colors. I found some online that sold for $250-600. I don't think this one is worth that much because the frame is pretty beat and it shows its age.

I haven't yet identified the artist on this print. The frame is large, and gorgeous in its own right. It is signed "18HH79" but so far the only possible artist I've found doesn't seem likely.

And then there's this one, my favorite of the three. Again I have not been able to identify the artist. It is signed "H. Ferner" and is quite heavy, matted and framed professionally. The subject--a young African-American girl on the porch of a tiny house, holding her cat. Laundry flaps on the line in back, there is a crooked stovepipe, a leaning post and an outbuilding to the left. It just tells me a story of a time and place. Maybe one day I will find out who painted it.

The very best recent find is this one, a glass purchased at a thrift store for 50 cents. I nearly fell out of my chair when I looked it up. Apparently this Boscul peanut butter glass is a rare pattern sought after by collectors. The flower on it is "Fairyland Orchid Cactus." The last one on ebay sold for $286.00! I didn't do quite as well, getting a final bid of $128.50 but I'm quite content with that. Whoever would have thought one glass would bring that much?

So that's a look at recent finds. I'll have to catch you up on gardens and painting projects soon. Never a dull moment around here.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Great finds, great shopping. Thank you for identifying that rare glass. New information.


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