
Monday, July 27, 2015

In the Pacific Northwest: Old Cars

Next door to the casino and lodge where we stayed was a very strange place:
The owner came out from the trailer next door when he saw me standing outside this building. He allowed me to take photos as long as I did not try to go inside the fence or the building.

 The casino in the background is an odd contrast to the rows of rusty cars.

A second mannequin head guarded another window.

Just down the road we spotted this old timer in a shed. Old vehicles seemed to be everywhere, actually.

But this one, Reyn and Liz's car, was certainly the prettiest one we saw--and riding in it was such a hoot!

I tried to take a video of the way it sounded--rumble, rumble!--but unfortunately it didn't come out well, so you'll just have to imagine sitting on the roll-and-pleat upholstery and listening to that souped-up engine roar.

I still have more photos to share, so come on back for the ocean shots and others later this week!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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