
Saturday, August 1, 2015

In the Pacific Northwest: On the Way Home

We had a great time. We didn't want to leave. But the time did finally come, and I hoped I'd taken enough photos so that we could relive the adventure over and over in the future. And we'll go back--we want more time with Reyn and Liz, more time to explore, more time to see Oregon.

Reyn and Liz picked us up in their 1955 Chevy. What a ride! I had been talking to some of the powwow dancers while we waited, and when that car pulled up, they grinned from ear to ear, and gave a big thumbs up. I tell you, I felt cool getting in that car.

I watched the Oregon countryside pass by through the window--fields of hay, distant mountains, wineries with fields of grapes, garages with old trucks hidden inside, farmhouses.

I thought back to one place we'd visited, the Grand Ronde Shopping Center. Iconic of a time gone past, as was much of what I watched through the window for the first part of the trip.

And then, there was this airplane sitting on top of a building. Really?? Really. And from its side came waterslides! Other aircraft were all over the place.

 This was the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum and Waterpark and a long way from the rural countryside we'd just been seeing.

We did not have time to stop, but Reyn took us a drive through the grounds. Through the glass we could see the historic Spruce Goose, the largest wooden aircraft ever built and the brainchild of Henry Kaiser and Howard Hughes. One day I want to see this thing close up.

We met grandson Jared for lunch, then said our goodbyes to our friends and headed to Portland with Jared.

His apartment is right downtown--this is the view from the rooftop patio in their building (which has a hot tub, firepit, and lounge area, pretty nice).

Jared took us for a little tour of the city on the transit system.

We didn't go far, but saw a lot that was interesting.

Powell's! I've bought from them online so it was a treat to see this huge used/new bookstore in person. I have to admit, I get overwhelmed quickly when faced with too much to look at. We browsed and enjoyed looking at the antiquarian and rare books, then headed out to find dinner.

On the way to the restaurant we passed many, many food trucks. They're everywhere in Portland. This one offers "a taste of your childhood. And if your childhood sucked, we'll share a taste of ours."

The Multnomah County Public Library where my friend Dr. Margaret Read MacDonald once worked. I don't think I ever considered actually seeing this place, which is a great supporter of storytelling.

We chose a place called Henry's for dinner, and opted for the patio. What a good evening, talking with Jared and his girlfriend Pilar.

Then we headed back on the train for the apartment for more talk and finally sleep.

We were up and out before 6:00am. Jared dropped us off at the airport, and soon we were back on a plane and homeward bound with lots of memories that will have to hold us until we can get out west again.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I have enjoyed reading about your Oregon trip, what a fascinating time you've had. I've never been to Oregon.

  2. This looks like such a great trip. And, it sounds like you had a good time!

  3. I have a nephew and a friend of his who both work at Powells in Portland. They love it. Batsy in Idaho

  4. great post! it sounds like a blast!


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