
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

In the Village of Adare

Dublin might have been a busy place, but it didn't have much on Adare. 

This pretty little village is a top tourist destination in Ireland, for several reasons:

One is the row of thatched cottages along the main street.

Sadly two of the cottages burned this summer, but plans are already in the works to restore them within the year.

These were the cottages built to support the local manor house; workers would have lived in these little homes. Thatched roofs are not commonplace, from what I saw--most homes seemed to be roofed with tiles or some kind of corrugated metal (perhaps iron, in the oldest homes). We saw one or two where thatch had been placed over metal, which I thought was curious but later learned that this is the new building code, so those homes must have been recently built.. These Adare cottages, however, were built with the thatched roof about 1820.

A few more images from around the village:

We didn't get to visit Aunty Lena's. We'd taken a bus to town and needed to be sure we caught a return one...and we wanted to see the local castle (more on that later).

The entrance door of the Catholic Church, which was one a Trinitarian Abbey, and is now called Holy Trinity.

Inside the nave of the church. They were having a rosary service so we slipped back out quickly.

I think this might have been the entrance to the rectory. It was behind a wall that said "private."

Theresa looking at the shrubbery in the local public park, which is a very beautiful area, and well maintained.

Flowers blooming in the wall of the church.

 Side view of the church.

And the real reason we went to Adare? Why to visit with West Virginia author Gretchen Laskas who will be living in Ireland for a while due to her husband's job. We met Gretchen for "elevenses" at a local tea shoppe, and had a great time talking and learning about what it's like to actually live in this intriguing country.

Gretchen told us that this picturesque place was where the women of the village once came to do their laundry, before washboards were invented.

 Theresa stands in the pathway that used to be the entrance drive to Adare Manor.

The Celtic cross in front of the church. We were told that the cross was first made by St. Patrick to explain Christian principles using the circle, which was a sacred and understood symbol, with the Christian cross.

That door again! It was just too pretty.

 The dovecoat behind the church.

We went back inside to look around after our meeting with Gretchen. We were surprised to find a statue of Saint Theresa the Little Flower (my sister was named after her).

I loved the deep-set windows,

and this ceiling!

We ate a late lunch at the information center cafe while we waited for our bus. This old raven seemed anxious to share our meal, but we didn't invite him to the table.

Then we were back on the bus to Limerick--but I still haven't shown you the photos from our visit to the castle. Tomorrow!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It's always interesting to travel on public transport when you are in a foreign country isn't it? Adare is a pretty place but I didn't see as much of it as I would have liked when I was there as I was traveling with other people.

  2. Interesting post. That's the trouble with really interesting places - everyone else has the same idea. A little Irish music (just for you) on my blog at present if you're interested.

  3. Interesting about the thatch over metal - I'd think that would lead to a layer of very moldy thatch where the two meet.

  4. Rowan, we enjoyed the buses and trains. We talked to several interesting people on these trips :) And it was nice to just watch the scenery roll by instead of worrying about driving on the wrong side of the road!

  5. Quinn, there must be some method that prevents mold. According to what I read, thatch properly done will only get wet just a little ways into the thatching, so probably it is completely dry where it is against the metal.

  6. True, John. We did manage to find some places that were bereft of tourists which made me happy. Heading over to your blog now--thanks!


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