
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Last of Limerick

Can you tell that I liked the time we spent in Limerick? Perhaps because this city did not seem quite as tourist-y as Dublin and Galway so we could see just life as usual as we rambled about.

But first a few leftovers I missed putting into the King John's Castle post:

Cannon fodder? That's me, outside of the castle, playing around with the huge cast iron cannons.

This one was inside the castle; the light coming in the window made such intriguing patterns.

And atop the tallest tower, with a rainbow over me. I like that--makes me feel like luck is coming my way.

Limerick is a cathedral city, St. Mary's. I have to admit to being a bit disappointed in this church, probably because we'd seen some pretty awesome ones before this--and then there was a musty, moldy smell that really upset my allergies. The churchyard was beautiful, though, with many old stones.

Founded in 1168, this is the oldest building in the city that is still used daily but the site itself was an ancient Viking meeting place in this part of Limerick known as King's Island. So the site has seen activity for a very long time.
This is not my photo, but from wikipedia. My photos of this church did not come out well.

The churchyard was looking a bit ragged on our visit. Restoration work on the cathedral is ongoing and was in evidence inside with some scaffolds set up, etc.


The altar's top is carved from an ancient piece of limestone, 13 feet long. 

Carving inside on the church wall may be the epitaph of a person entombed behind the wall.

One of the tombs in the cathedral, of a young man of noble birth, whose name I have forgotten--and can't read on my photo, sadly.

A dedication plaque to a local woman who maintained the gardens around the cathedral for many years.

And finally, back out on the street. This is the outside wall of the rear of the cathedral.

A fountain, with a legend almost illegible now, that it was installed for the good of all.

A colorful mural on the side of a theater company's building.

A lady peruses goods in a junk shop window.

This is a cast iron covering in the sidewalk, presumably for water lines or something else beneath the streets. I liked that artistic pains were taken with the design of such a utilitarian object.

Down the street from the cathedral was this medieval wall which has been shored up in an attempt to save it. I wonder what the plans are for this wall, and if it was part of the wall around the city?

 More ancient stone walls, probably part of an old church? Set into a niche on this one,

a bright white statue that looked like it might be the Virgin Mary.

We peeked into someone's gate to see what kind of junk they had. Interesting stuff!

 The almost-full moon over our  hotel. Goodnight, and good-bye, Limerick!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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