
Friday, July 29, 2016

Ravenswood Booth Update

It's been a while since I did a good update on our booth at the Riverbend Antique Mall. We haven't sold a lot of furniture there recently, but the smaller items have been moving like hotcakes and as most sellers will tell you, it's the smalls that make the difference in profitable sales.

Here's a few of the new things in our booths at Ravenswood (WV):

 I finally brought in the two chairs we had reupholstered. I'm selling them for $90 for the pair; I think they're an exceptionally good buy. Not a big profit for us, but a great satisfaction in rescuing these from the auction trash pile.

Old postcards--beautiful framed or used in crafts, or just to look at, and only $1-$3 apiece.

I love chalkware fruits! These are in beautiful condition.

Got the blues? Here's some that will brighten your kitchen.

Or, if you're having trouble seeing the future, this huge magnifying glass with its silverplated handle might help. Only $39.

Mirros, lamps, small tables, toys, picket fence, shutters, old doors...we stock a little of everything because you never know what people might be looking for.

Two fun mugs! A huge "Texas Short Beer" and a West Virginia Coal Miner stein.

Old fans are so cool. This one is a smaller version, and runs like a champ.

Boating, anyone? Not old or even vintage, but kinda cute.

A touch of old Paree', even!

Kitchenware is really my heart, as this tabletop clearly shows.

A bot of everything, from crocks to kettles to books to a fairy lamp, all housed around a 7-Up crate.

A few new items on the shelves. I have to admit, I wanted to keep that bird statue. I have such a thing about birds!

This last one is blurry--sorry. It's hard to tell when I am taking photos with my phone. I forgot my camera yesterday. The clock is a Tasmanian Devil football clock, pretty cute!

That's a quick look at a few of the recent changes in our booth. I'll post more when I go back next week.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Kitchenware and barnware (usually hardware from when it was made right, in the USA!) are my soft spots, but I'm finally getting better at letting things go when I just have no way to use them and no place to put them. I love pitchers, for example, and I think I've used one about 5 times in my life. So I just donated my last one to a hospice thrift shop.
    There are some things I'll buy whenever I see them at a good price, like Pyrex cookware and an occasional lamp, and decide later if I really need that piece and if not either sell or give it away. But when it comes to Pyrex cookware, I tend to keep even the "extras" for the sad day when I drop the one I've been using. Still looking for a replacement for my big amber pot with a handle - I broke the only one I've ever seen, and it was the one I used the most. Now I make double batches of soups and such in my huge amber kettle and then freeze the extra, so I guess it's not a bad work-around.
    Have a great weekend, Sue!

  2. What a lovely display! Not that we need a fan, with the cool summer we are having in the UK, but it is very lovely.

  3. Thanks Brigid! People ask where we get all these things, and there's no fast answer except "Everywhere." Yard sales, estate sales, auctions, thrift shops, friends clearing out stuff, family, our own house, sometimes even the trash.

  4. I'm with you, Quinn. Often we see old crumbling buildings and I just itch to go look. I know some people do that, but to me it's private property, even if it is abandoned.

    My kitchen overflows with bowls, pitchers, platters, mugs, trays, and on and on! I can't resist it so it's a good thing I have a place to sell the excess.

  5. Gretel, I envy you your cool summer. It has been miserably hot and humid here. Takes all the fun out of gardening. My husband stays at it and it's a good thing because if it waited on me it would be a weedy, ruined mess. I do not handle heat very well. The air conditioning has been running 24/7, a rare thing for us. We might have a 2-week spell of that most years, but it's been on since June, and doesn't look like the temps will cool down anytime soon. We will enjoy your cool weather when we come in September!

  6. You have a really good variety of things for sale, the two chairs look really good.


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