
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Why I'm Not in Kansas City

This week the National Storytelling Conference is taking place in Kansas City, and hundreds of storytellers from across the country--and possibly from around the world--are gathering to share stories, techniques, ideas and to just be together. It's a gathering of the tribe, and I am not there.

I haven't been to the conference in a long time. Ten years to be exact. In the past the conference moved around the country, highlighting the storytelling of a different region each year. Now that the headquarters of the member organization has moved to Kansas City as their permanent home, the conference has been staying in one place. It's a good idea, saving money and planning and probably a lot of headaches.

I have nothing against Kansas City. I am sure it's an awesome place with lots to see and do. And I miss the fellowship and fun of being with a gang of storytellers. Let me tell you, there are no dull moments in such a crowd! But I'm not there, and this is why.

As Dorothy said, "There's no place like home." For her, home was Kansas. For me, it's right here in West Virginia: on my porch, with my husband and pets, my flowers and gardens and birds. It's the place I can stay in touch with the flood recovery efforts in this beloved state, where I stay rooted with all that grounds my storytelling. One year I will again make the trek to join my storied friends, but for now, here is where I want and need to be.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Travel broadens the mind: but staying in one place deepens the awareness.

  2. Would rather be close to home, your home is an extension of your heart.

  3. I don't blame you a bit for staying home, you have a beautiful place.

  4. I'm much closer to K.C. than you, and I also stayed home -- home is so nice! I did host Kristin as she drove through, sort of a mini-gathering and just right for me. I do think there are plans to move the conference; they just wanted a couple of years to establish the new headquarters . . . though one could make an argument for a central location. The other valid argument is moving to feature different areas and cultures within this diverse country. There have been such interesting programs and side trips at most conferences.

  5. I'm a bit of a homebody myself, and I haven't been home enough this summer. I am returning Sunday and cannot wait.


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